


 私は数年前から,京都市中京区の錦市場の近くの「びーんず亭」という自家焙煎珈琲豆を販売する小さなお店を贔屓にしている。ときどき,お店のご主人が店頭に立っている。最近は東ティモール フェアトレードの自家焙煎珈琲豆(400グラム)を買うことが多くなった。このお店は,2021年にNHK番組「ドキュメント72時間」(スペシャルでは山田五郎,鈴木おさむ,吹石一恵,徳井健太が出演)で採り上げられてから,全国から買い求める人が増えたのではなかろうか。焙煎工房は松ヶ崎にある。飲みやすいコーヒーである。

Home-Roasted Coffee Beans:June 14th(Wednesday)

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' Statistics Bureau's "Household Survey," Kyoto City often ranks first in the annual purchase of coffee and bread. This is likely due to the fact that Kyoto City has the highest number of universities per 100,000 people in the country.

For the past few years, I have been a patron of a small shop near Nishiki Market in Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, called "Beans Tei," which sells home-roasted coffee beans. Occasionally, the shop owner is behind the counter. Lately, I have been buying 400 grams of fair trade home-roasted coffee beans from East Timor more frequently. Since this shop was featured on the NHK program "Document 72 Hours" in 2021 (with Goro Yamada, Osamu Suzuki, Kazue Fukiishi, and Kenta Tokui appearing in the special episode), it seems that more people from across the country have started purchasing from here. The roasting workshop is located in Matsugasaki. The coffee they offer is easy to drink.