





Mountains appear hazy due to yellow sand:April 19 (Friday)

Yellow sand, carried by westerly winds from the Chinese mainland, has been blowing into Kyoto and Shiga since yesterday. With the calming of the COVID-19 situation, I thought it was good that there were fewer opportunities to wear masks. However, now yellow sand is bringing various chemical substances that can cause pollution and allergy symptoms.

Mount Hiei and Mount Koyama, seen from near Misonobashi Bridge in Kyoto's Kita Ward, appear whitish and hazy due to the yellow sand, indicating visible pollution in the air. However, since we don't know what kind of pollutants they are, the only thing we can do is to wear masks and avoid inhaling air directly through our mouths and noses.

Westerly winds carry warm air from the equator to the colder north, and these winds are deflected to the east over Japan due to the Earth's rotation. Unless the Earth's rotation stops or reverses, Japan will continue to be downwind from the Chinese mainland.

So, is there a mechanism to prevent the influx of yellow sand? Essentially, the only solution is to stop desertification in the Chinese mainland. From an economic perspective, this could be achieved through methods based on liability law and property rights (such as damage compensation lawsuits and environmental justice), regulation-based methods (environmental standards, technological standards), or market-incentive methods (taxes, subsidies, emission trading). The choice between these options determines whether China will continue to cause damage to South Korea and Japan by neglecting the issue.