

13日に,一日の期間を延長して,国連気候変動枠組み条約第28回締約国会議(COP28,アラブ首長国連邦(UAE)ドバイで開催)で「UAEコンセンサス」が採択された。「この重要な2020年代で,科学的知見に基づく公正な方法でエネルギーシステムから化石燃料の脱却を加速すること」や,世界で再エネ発電設備容量 を2030年までに現在の3倍に増やすことなどが明記された。


"UAE Consensus" at COP28:December 14th(Thursday)

On the 13th, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28), held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), adopted the "UAE Consensus" by extending the duration of the session for an additional day. The document specifies accelerating the transition from fossil fuels in the energy system in a fair manner based on scientific knowledge, particularly in this crucial decade of the 2020s. It also emphasizes increasing the capacity of renewable energy generation facilities worldwide to three times the current level by 2030.

In the end, the gradual phasing out of the use of fossil fuels was not explicitly stated due to opposition from oil-producing countries, and the expression "accelerate the transition from fossil fuels" was used in an indefinite and ambiguous manner. I view the "UAE Consensus" as mere symbolism, with the adopted document serving as a formalized agreement patched together to reconcile discrepancies through signatures.