




(出所)賀茂葵祭行装ノ図 星野蝉水筆 金銀泥彩色画(一部) 京都産業大学中央図書館所蔵


Aoi Matsuri:May 15(Wednesday)

In Kyoto, May 15 is the annual day for the Aoi Matsuri (Kamo Festival) "Roto no Gi" as part of the regular festivities. The "Roto no Gi" involves a procession that covers approximately 8 kilometers between Shimogamo Shrine (Kamo Mioya Shrine) and Kamigamo Shrine (Kamo Wakeikazuchi Shrine). The procession, which stretches about 1 kilometer long, features participants dressed in Heian period costumes. The procession includes Gosho-guruma(imperial palace carriages) adorned with wisteria flowers, courtiers, and attendants, with everyone wearing the hollyhock and katsura decorations (Kikkei), which entwine two-leafed hollyhock crests of Shimogamo and Kamigamo Shrines with branches of katsura. Since the Edo period, this festival has been known as Aoi Matsuri.

This year, due to the appearance of the story about the ‘carriage dispute’ during the Kamo Festival (Aoi Festival) in ‘The Tale of Genji,’ written by Murasaki Shikibu, the protagonist of NHK’s historical drama ‘Hikaru Kimi e,’ it is expected that more tourists than usual will visit.

Today’s Gosho-guruma is adorned with wisteria flowers. The image below depicts the revived Kamo Festival procession during the Meiji era, captured in the Mitsui family’s inherited scroll titled ‘Kamo Aoi Matsuri Gyoshō No Zu’ (painted by Hoshino Sensui, with gold and silver embellishments, housed in the Central Library of Kyoto Sangyo University). However, it appears that wisteria flowers were not part of the decoration on the Gosho-guruma during the Meiji-era revival of the Kamo Festival’s procession.

The Aoi Matsuri, along with the Gion Matsuri (July) and the Jidai Matsuri (October), is one of Kyoto's three major festivals, making it a quintessential Kyoto tradition.