
地域の中に、教育を繋ぐ|Connecting education within the community

Involvement with the local Fuchu City continues this year as our antenna members support Fuchu Meikyo Academy as part-time instructors. This school is also the alma mater of our members, and we are exploring new ways to connect the community and education.

探究型の授業サポート|Exploratory Class Support

As part-time instructors entering our third year, we have been supporting a total of eight classes. This year, we started with lessons utilizing programming learning robots donated by a local company, Sun City Cleaner, last year. The students had the opportunity to instruct the robots to move, change colors, or even collide with each other, exploring their creativity.

From the third class onwards, each student has been finding topics of interest. They are pursuing their own goals, such as "Trying aerial photography with drones," "Wanting to create a game with programming," "Planning to shoot a zombie movie," or "Designing an aquarium where freshwater and saltwater fish coexist." We are excited to see the results of their research.

まちの中と外に、教育を繋ぐ|Connecting Education within and beyond the Community

We also support the utilization of "Murasaki Lab," a community exchange hub established within Meikyo Academy. Twice a month, local residents become instructors and gather with students for after-school Go and Shogi (Japanese chess) classes.

Not only local residents but also students of different ages participated, enjoying their time until it was time to go home. We aim to create spaces where students can pursue their interests, not only in chess but also in activities like "Wanting to start a YouTube channel" or "Wanting to appear on TV."

地域の職員室 - 大人と生徒が学び合う場所|Community Staff Room - Where Adults and Students Learn Together

The "Community Staff Room," initiated in July, brings together adults from various professions through outreach efforts. These adults engage in co-working and answer questions from visiting students. During the first gathering, we had designers, investors, video creators, web developers, entrepreneurs, marketers, planners, and educators, among others, with diverse backgrounds. It was impressive to see Meikyo students pose various questions as part of their "Simulated Company" class. Afterward, everyone felt the difficulty of providing concise and understandable answers, making it apparent that this initiative will be a space for continuous learning for adults in addition to fostering connections.

It was remarkable to see students at Meikyo Academy, as part of their "Simulated Company" class, actively engaging adults with a variety of questions. Impressively, after the session, the adults mentioned that it was challenging to provide concise and understandable answers to these inquiries. This interaction between adults and students seems to create a space where both parties can continue learning from each other.

On October 17, 2023 (Saturday), the "Satoyama Genki Exchange Meeting" is scheduled to be held in Fuchu City, Hiroshima Prefecture, with the theme of "Community Schools." The event aims to create mechanisms that bring vitality to the community while meeting with companies and individuals. Participation is free, and attendees can choose to participate in either the morning or afternoon sessions. We would be delighted if you could join us and become a part of the initiatives happening in the community.

Creating a New Learning Space Beyond School. As NPO Fuchu Noah Antenna, we are actively committed to this mission.
