

Followed by English translation




石井 : ええ。どうでしたっけ。本当の初歩的なところは、多分僕が最初電話をもらうんですね。でも、初期では本当に少しのコメントしか頂かないんです。今回も、ざっくり愛知県の豊橋っていうところで、〇〇さんっていう方の家があって、そこを宿泊施設にしたいんだ、しか聞かないんです。




北里 : デザインについてですが、これは僕たちがリノベーションでよくやる手法で、既存の空間の文脈を踏襲しつつ、その意味や機能を読み替えてずらしながら新しく作るオブジェクトに落とし込んでいくような作り方をしています。






北里 : 建物がユニークじゃないですか。カーブしかない超いびつな形状。楕円形の筒状の外壁に内壁を入れることで補強するような構造で、構造体であるコルゲート鋼板の位置は動かせないので、外壁と内壁の間を個室にしてその他を共用部とする、というように建築の形状から自ずとゾーニングは決まっていきました。後は個室化するために新しく作らなければいけない壁や建具・家具等のデザインを、先程お話ししたような考え方で、既存の空間との関係性から検討を進めていきました。


石井 : 吹き抜けに面した南側の壁に楕円形の白くて大きな幕を設置しているのですが、これは照明になっているんです。元々同じ形状でオレンジ色の生地が張られていて、割とこの建築のアイコン的な存在だったので、これをどうするのかが初期の頃から課題だったのですが、服部さん?(要確認)のアイデアで照明化することになりました。




北里 : この照明は僕たちではなく、アドレックでインターンをされている武藤琴音さんに作って頂いたものなんです。今回の改修計画を進めるにあたって、川合御夫妻が所有されていた物を片付ける作業から始めたのですが、片付ける際に出てきた当時の生活道具、お椀を使って製作されています、お椀のアップサイクルですね。お椀をリフレクターとして転用していて直接光源が見えない仕様になっているので、全体の照明計画に違和感なく馴染んでいると思います。固定するためのベースの形状を3Dプリンターで作成し設置テストを繰り返すなど試行錯誤しながらベースを完成されていた様です。



osaka office
550-0001大阪府大阪市西区土佐堀2-1-15 乾商店ビル3F
tokyo office
161-0033 新宿区下落合3-20-16 151A-1A

What is the updated method of bringing the architectural heritage to the modern age, which is carefully built up one by one?

__This time we interviewed two members of monotrum, the design firm that revived Corrugated House into a guest house. They have experience working with ADDReC to renovate a terrace house designed by Kunio Maekawa to suit modern living. 

In this issue, we asked the two members of monotrum how they incorporated Kenji Kawai's ideas into their designs. We asked them about the design process and how they incorporated the difficult shape of the corrugated house into their design.

Lose our assumptions and look at the building in a flat way.

___When you first heard about this, did you understand that they wanted to turn it into a guesthouse?

Ishii : Yes,I did. …But I wonder how was that part exactly? The real first step was that I probably got the first call. But in the beginning, I only got a few comments. 
In this case, I only asked roughly, "There is a house of Mr. Kawai in Toyohashi, Aichi Prefecture, and they would like to turn it into an accommodation facility” The same was true for the renovation of Kunio Maekawa's residence. Whenever we start a project, we usually ask for the minimum necessary information, and from there, we dig deeper and deeper until we find the program.

I also ask them about their work in a flat attitude, and I try to go to subsequent meetings and job sites with the same flat attitude.
In terms of the Corrugated House, the use of the house as an accommodation was decided.
However, the details had not yet been decided, so we worked together to plan the operational aspects of the facility, such as how many people would be accommodated, the staff flow lines.

The Building Standards Law and Fire Service Act for hotels and private accommodations are different, so the materials to be used and the size of the rooms would also change.
Therefore, we began with a discussion of the budget and practical issues such as the intended use of the facility before proceeding with the specifics.

Kitazato : Our approach to design is to extract the materials and colors that were originally present in the building, and then develop them in a different way. For example, we used the colors that were originally in the building, and changed the materials.
In this Corrugated House, we used milky white corrugated polycarbonate for the walls of some of the rooms on the second floor. Polycarbonate is a material that is often used for carports in modern detached houses. It is a material not often seen in Japanese housing of Kenji Kawai's era, but we harmonized it by matching the colors and textures used in other parts of the house.
As we do every time of our work, we make adjustments to fit in with the modern age utilizing the original space while adding new materials. Other bricolage-like techniques are also used.
There is dark red color that was originally painted on the striped steel plates on the floor, and we newly used that color on the staircase, and we used the color of the material on the floor for the balustrade, and we created a number of patterns for the original materials and new parts to be created.

___We were able to hear about their thinking that made possible this difficult Kenji Kawai's Corrugated House project by taking a bird's eye view of the building from a flat level, assembling information toward the goal of the building while utilizing the charm of the current building, and preparing the direction of the volume and plan.

The next process after the construction plan is the on-site construction. However, the Corrugated House is a building with almost no straight columns or walls. We asked them how they communicated with the staff who would be working on site.

What cannot be expressed in drawings would be carefully built up together on site.

Kitazato : The building is unique, isn't it? It has a very awkward shape with only curves. For example, there were very few places where new walls could be built. Therefore, we kept our thinking super simple and decided the location of the walls from the planning of the room sizes, and the general positioning of the rooms was decided. To incorporate this planning into the construction work, we spent about 80% of the time from design to completion meeting with the local constructor. lol

We were not a local design firm, but a design firm based in Tokyo or Osaka, so in a sense we were outsiders, and we had difficulty communicating with the local contractor. As construction progressed, we also worked on site more and more. We had more time to communicate with the carpenters, and as a result we were able to create good teamwork. One of the carpenters was a shrine carpenter who is very skillful with his hands, and he did an excellent job of machining the corrugated complex walls of the Corrugated House.

Ishii : There is a large, impressive white curtain attached to the Corrugated House, which was originally intended as a curtain to prevent sunlight from entering the building. The curtain is so impressive that I always had the idea that it would be a good use if the area was illuminated.

As you can see from the outside, the exterior wall of the building has a beehive-like structure, with many hexagons in a row. Since there were no drawings initially, we counted all the hexagons by hand and installed light bulbs in them. I remember there were 83 bulbs. We couldn't ask the contractor to do this kind of detailed and difficult work, so we actually did the work on site.

Ideas and creations generated by synergy

__Various people have contributed their ideas based on their desire to create good products, and these ideas have been reflected in this Corrugated House.

We also had a chance to hear about some of the episodes. One of the most impressive elements of the building was the door light in front of the guest room. I heard that it was made by reusing wooden bowl that had been used by Kenji Kawai's family.

Kitazato : This lighting was actually created not by us, but by Kotone Muto, who studied lighting projects at Adrek's QWS innovation center, which provided overall direction for this project, and worked with Adrek's lighting designers. Actually, there was a huge amount of stuff when we were building this Corrugated Huse. We started by clearing out all the things that were there, and we found these so-called "upcycled" lights made from bowls and other tools from that time.
We wanted to make the light bulbs not directly visible so that guests would feel a sense of the extraordinary experience, so we completed the base through trial and error, using a 3D printer to create the shape of the bowls and the base to fix them in place, and repeated installation tests.
Finally, the interior stylist, Ms. Kubokawa, created an even better spatial design by placing the interiors in the building we designed.
This space is not our work alone, but a collaborative work created together with various people.It was a challenge to transform the building left behind by Kenji Kawai into a modern accommodation facility in its original form, as there wereproblems of habitability and legal requirements that had to be cleared.However, this project was an expression of our desire to create a building that will remain in the hearts of many people in the future, while remaining close to Kenji Kawai's wishes.

__In this issue, we interviewed two members of monotrum, focusing on the methods used to revive a corrugated house as an accommodation facility. Why don't you experience the actual corrugated house that the two members of monotrum created and many others have involved?


An architectural design unit conducted by Nobuhiko Kitazato and Takuya Ishii. They are based in Osaka and Tokyo.
Osaka office
3F Inui Shoten Bldg. 2-1-15 Tosabori, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 550-0001
Tokyo office
151A-1A, 3-20-16 Shimoochiai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 161-0033

