
ご挨拶/How global warming changes our future air travel?


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BBC : Flight turbulence increasing as planet heats up - study



Flight turbulence has increased in recent years and scientists predict it’s getting worse in the near future due to global warming. There are several types of turbulence but the study found clean air turbulence (CAT) can happen more frequently around the world. 

Scientists say the clean air turbulence is due to the strong wind shear or differences of wind speed. While some turbulence such as storm clouds are visible and easy to predict, clean air turbulence is invisible and difficult to detect. This can happen while the passengers are not belted in at any altitude. Research shows flight routes in the US and North Atlantic had the largest increases. Middle East and European airspace also show significant increase.

Turbulence is not only uncomfortable but also leads to financial consequences. The aviation industry loses several million pounds due to effects of turbulence, including wear-and-tear on aircraft. And also has an environmental cost, as pilots burn up fuel avoiding it.


I’ve been to many places by airplane and its window view attracts me every time. Once you fly, you may encounter some turbulent air and some of them may scare you. In fact, my last flight was quite bumpy and I was curious about why this rocking motion happens.

This article explains the dynamics of the air and structure of turbulence. You will see the importance of avoiding such air. Though this article explains where the rough air happens frequently, I don't see the direct connection between global warming and clear air turbulence. But it looks like there is correlation between them so we should be aware of turbulence whenever we fly.

Have a nice flight and see you in the next article!


Weather Forecast

If you are interested in weather, you can search the wind status on the website of Japan Meteorological Agency.


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