
Eating Sugar Make Children Hyperactive

It is widely believed that often eating sweet, sugary foods can make children hyperactive. Actually, is there a link between eating sugar and hyperactivity?

Hyperactivity itself is a condition in which a child has increased movement, energy, and higher impulsivity. Sarah Ockwell-Smith in her book The Gentle Discipline Book states that sugar is indeed unhealthy, but it is wrong to blame sugar as the cause of changes in children's behavior.

"The body releases a replacement amount of adrenaline in response to lower blood glucose levels, known as hypoglycemia (hypoglycaemia). This event causes negative behavioral changes, a phenomenon that sometimes leads to'hangry', a combination of hunger and anger, caused changes. in glucose and adrenaline levels, "Sarah wrote.

According to Sarah, besides sugar, there are also several other artificial salts that also affect the child's condition. In 2007, a study found that eating a diet containing six salts significantly increased hyperactive behavior in children.

The six substances include:

1. Sunset yellow (E110)

2. Quinoline yellow (E104)

3. Carmoisine (E122)

4. Allura red (E129)

5. Tartrazine (E102)

6. Ponceau 4R (E124)

Generally, six substances These artificial additives are contained in foods such as cereals, chips, candy, fish fingers, juices, and medicines for children. This content can indeed cause hyperactive children.

"If you think children are affected, be sure to check the ingredient list on the product packaging," said Sarah.

However, Sarah emphasized, not only artificial additives that have a negative impact on children's behavior. Malnutrition in children can also play a part.

In 2013, a study of nearly 500 children between the ages of 7 and 9 found that low levels of omega-3, longchain polyunsaturated fats (LC-PUFA) were associated with increased behavioral problems, decreased reading and memory skills.

LC-PUFA can be found in fish oils such as mackerel, salmon and tuna, as well as in flaxseeds which are often added to breakfast cereals. Many nutrition experts suggest that if the child's diet is low in LC-PUFA, then they can add omega-3 supplements, especially if the child is prone to hyperactive behavior.
"If you suspect your child's behavior is worsening due to dietary triggers, start a food diary, which records everything your child eats and behaviors every day for several weeks," says Sarah.

He said, this method can make Moms see if there is a negative reaction from these foods, especially artificial additives. Ideally, all of the child's nutritional needs will be met through a healthy diet.

Nutrisionis Jansen Ongko, MSc, RD once said that eating too much sweet or sugary food can increase children's energy intake. One tablespoon of sugar contains about 50 calories so it will increase the child's activity, because sugar can enter the bloodstream quickly and create a significant increase in blood sugar levels.

The child's body will respond to the increase insugar bloodby sending adrenaline which promotes activity. Therefore, children become more active.

"However, refined sugar is not the only food that can significantly increase a child's activity level. Foods that contain simple carbohydrates can also have a similar effect on a child's activity level.
