
One month has passed

A month has passed since I came to Sydney. I am here to write a blog in English and tell you how to learn English while studying abroad.
My English is still not very perfect so please be kind and ignore my mistakes.

How to learn English while study abroad.

"I want to improve my English as much as possible in the limited time."
"I wouldn't want to miss this opportunity."
Most people who come to study abroad feel the same way as I think but the purpose of coming to study abroad differs person to person. I think the way people learn varies individual to individual, That's no suprise.
Some people advice "You should hang out in the club and make many friends!"
It's not wrong, It's correct. Certainly, it can improve our English speaking skills.
However, I want to improve my business English, so my use of vocabulary and mannerism will be quite different. I will also need to do some studying by myself because I still lack my own vocabularies, phrases and expressions.
Sometime, I wonder if this way of studying is right and if my English skills will improve, but I believe in myself and try to do my best day by day.
I will always keep my goals in my mind and I will do my best, and spend my days without regrets.
In conclusion, I think that although we all need to find our own way of learning English it is of utmost important that we broaden our horizon and see beyond the box.
To be honest, studying abroad is not all fun but it's quite an effective way for growing up and building our personality as a whole myself. Wish me Luck to achieve my aim.

Thank you for reading my brog.
