
Philosophical Science Fiction

Reading Philosophical Science Fiction in a lot of fun for me.

I like Science Fiction.
Especially the philosophical science fiction novel is interesting.
What is a philosophical science fiction novel?

In my opinion, philosophical science fiction novels are about philosophical issues as the subject of the story.

Is there a genre of philosophical science fiction novels? I googled and found it. 
It was "goodreads.com". 
The list included "1984",
"Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?", "Brave New World" and others.

In  science fiction, it is possible to set up situations that could not be written about in the real world.
The world seems as if it were set up to deal with philosophical issues.
The science fiction writer's awareness of the issues is strongly evident in his work.
In that sense, it is interesting to read while guessing the author's intentions.
Though the reader's guess and the plot of the story are seldom the same.
I enjoy thinking about the difference.
There are always restrictions on the story set by the artist. The world that science fiction depicts reflects the constraints of the real world. Hence, there is a great deal of sympathy.
Imaginary but realistic.
I found it fascinating!
