
Sakamoto, Isami, and Toshizo discuss The Extinction of Western Wabi Sabi, Lecture 102. Where's Mr. Soji?

-Hello everyone! Welcome back to class!
Quiet down!
Take your seats!
"Sakamoto" put that smartphone away before I take it!

Now, can anyone tell me what chivalry is as it pertains to twenty first century Western culture? Raise your hand! Anyone?

"Mr. Isami"

Is it when a crop ripens and is gathered and stored?
My family still does it back in Japan.

-Mr. Isami! Nice try, but "Incorrect!"
Looks like "someone" is missing Chofu!

(Students laughing)

-"KONDO!" Stop kicking the back of Sakamoto's chair!
I'm watching you!

Anyone else?
"Mr. Soji?" Where's Soji?

He's at the nurses office again.
The new nurse is 20 and cute. Soji has a crush on her!

(Students laughing)

-Settle down. "SETTLE DOWN!"
It's not good to talk behind someone's back Mr. Toshizo.
Plus a "little birdy told me" that you're the one with the "Hots for" Nurse Narasaki.

(Students laughing)

-Yes! Mr. Sakamoto!

Chivalry is, "was" an informal code that men should honor women.
Any woman in fact. You know, like pulling out the seat at the table so the woman can sit comfortably and opening the door for them when they enter or exit a building.

-Mr. Isami! You have something to add?

Were they royalty? Handicap? Lazy?
I would, and only, do that for my mother.

-Good point Isami.
And your correct Sakamoto!
Chivalry was practiced up till the end of 2020. Almost ten years ago.
Before then, women enjoyed an over abundance of aid and compliments from their male counterparts daily. It was just the natural order of things.

-Toshizo! Speak!

Sounds like a big waste of time. Plus if another man complimented any of my girlfriends, or opened the door for them, I would slice him in half!

(Students cheering)

Calm down! Everyone is entitled to their opinion here at TUA.
But Mr. Toshizo gets a BONUS point. Besides him cutting people in half and having many girlfriends.
Similar to Japan's #Kutoo movement, "but as intense", the woman's equality movement grew to it's peak and chivalry was deemed old school, out dated, and sexist. I still practice it myself, but in moderation. I'm old school! 


You mean we came here to Tokyo University America with the hopes of getting a girlfriend while we studied, and now your telling me America is like Japan now? I'm taking a ship back to Japan tomorrow!

(Isami speaking)
Really! We all know about your swimming and sailing abilities. Stop bragging! Your on a swim team scholarship. You can't leave.
And take a freaking plane. Who takes a ship nowadays?

-Can someone check on Mr. Soji at the nurses office?

(Sakamoto speaking)
I will! Plus I think I left my pencil case there.

You just want to see Nurse Narasaki again!

(Students laughing)

-Ok class! Let's take an 18 minute break. Come back at 3:22.
I need to take my hay fever allergy medicine.
Sakamoto, Isami, Toshizo! Good job with the discussion today.
You see, we can have a conversation without cutting people in half!
"My eye is on you Mr. Toshizo!"

Another normal day at TUA.  
