

日本研究ハンドブック(日本販売総代理店 極東書店)

S.アヴェネル編 戦後日本史再考-ハンドブック

Avenell, Simon (ed.), Reconsidering Postwar Japanese History: A Handbook. (Japan Documents Handbooks Series) 2023 (Japan Documents, JA) <100-5885>


1945 年の敗戦の後、日本は歴史的な政治・経済・社会的転換を経験しました。本書は日本現代史におけるこの激動の時代の理解を拡張・強化するハンドブックです。新たな理論的問題を提起し、新たな実証的視点を提供しています。

第 1 部「戦後の起源」、第 2 部「政治的戦後」、第 3 部 「戦後の文化と社会」、第 4 部「トランスナショナルな戦後」、第 5 部「アジアと世界における日本の戦後」、第 6 部 「戦後時代の定義・説明・歴史化・年表化」の全 6 部から構成され、20 の論考が収録されています。


Table of Contents

Introduction: Imagining Japan’s Postwar Era (Simon Avenell)

Part 1: The Origins of the Postwar
Ch. 1:  Rethinking Imperial Legacies and the Cold War in Allied Occupied Japan (Deokhyo Choi)
Ch. 2:  Money, Banking, and Fiscal Reforms in Allied Occupied Japan, 1945–1952 (Simon James Bytheway)

Part 2: The Political Postwar
Ch. 3: Arguing with Public Opinion: Polls and Postwar Democracy (Adam Bronson)
Ch. 4: Japanese Postwar Political History from Left to Right (James Babb)
Ch. 5: Nationalism under the Banner of Pacifism: Japanese Atomic Bombing Sufferers’ Struggle against the State (Akiko Naono)
Ch. 6: Living with and Fighting against the Postwar Regime: Conservatism and Constitution in Postwar Japan (Christian G. Winkler)

Part 3: Postwar Culture and Society
Ch. 7: Gendering Postwar Japan (Emily Chapman and Helen Macnaughtan)
Ch. 8: Uncertain Futures, Destabilized Dreams (Eiko Maruko Siniawer)
Ch. 9: Education in Japan Since 1945: Equality, Hierarchy, and Competition (Peter Cave)
Ch. 10: From Raincoats to Ketchup: The Encroachment of Plastics during the High-growth Era (1955–1973) (Katarzyna J. Cwiertka)
Ch. 11: Birds and Children as Barometers of Japan’s Postwar Environmental History (Janet Borland)
Ch. 12: Japan’s Got Talent: The Rise of Tarento in Japanese Television Culture (Seong Un Kim)

Part 4: The Transnational Postwar
Ch. 13: Postwar Japanese Feminism in Transnational Perspective (Julia C. Bullock)
Ch. 14: Postwar Japanese History Seen through the Science of Reproductive and Population Politics (Aya Homei)

Part 5: Japan’s Postwar in Asia and the World
Ch. 15: Japan’s American Alliance: Forgoing Autonomy for Deterrence (H.D.P. Envall)
Ch. 16: The Endless Postwar: Okinawa at the Modern Frontier (Luke Franks)
Ch. 17: International Orders, Territorial Problems and Japan’s Identity (Kimie Hara)
Ch. 18: Manga, National Identity and Internationalization in Postwar Japan (Rebecca Suter)

Part 6: Defining, Delineating, Historicizing, and Chronologizing the Postwar Era
Ch. 19: Discourses of War and Peace during Japan’s “Postwar” (Philip Seaton) Ch. 20: Postwar in the Post-Cold War: Postwar in the Heisei Era (Eiji Oguma)

編集責任者:Simon Avenell

オーストラリア国立大学教授。専門は日本近現代史で、特に戦後日本における市民社会、社会運動、思想史に関心をもつ。近著に'Asia and Postwar Japan: Deimperialization, Civic Activism, and National Identity' (Harvard University Press, 2022)。


  • Simon Avenell (Australian National University)

  • James Babb (東京大学)

  • Janet Borland (国際基督教大学)

  • Adam Bronson (Durham University)

  • Julia Bullock (Emory University)

  • Simon James Bytheway (日本大学)

  • Peter Cave (University of Manchester)

  • Deokhyo Choi (University of Sheffield)

  • Katarzyna Cwiertka (Leiden University)

  • H. D. P. (David) Envall (Australian National University)

  • Luke Franks (North Central College)

  • 原貴美恵 (Waterloo University)

  • 保明綾(University of Manchester)

  • Seong Un Kim (Seoul National University)

  • Helen Macnaughtan (SOAS, University of London)

  • Emily Chapman (SOAS, University of London)

  • 直野章子(京都大学)

  • 小熊英二(慶應義塾大学SFC)

  • Philip Seaton (東京外国語大学)

  • Eiko Maruko Siniawer (Williams College)

  • Rebecca Suter (University of Oslo)

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