

The Japanese language seems to have no fluctuation in the number of syllables. It is as if a number cannot be any other number than itself. However, the pivot of “kakekotoba” seems to bring folds to linear sequences of syllables; "Kakekotoba" are homophonic words with multiple meanings inherent to the traditional Japanese poetry "waka."
For example, in the poem No. 97, of the anthology “Hyakunin Isshu (100 Poems by 100 Poets),” written by Fujiwara no Teika (1162-1241), who compiled it, the word "wait (matsu)" is transformed into "pine tree (matsu)," and the "inside" of the mind is flipped to the "outside" like a Möbius loop.
In "Comments on 100 Poems by 100 Poets," a number becomes multiple in a parametric system, reduced to its self-identity as a structure = icon (forgetting for a moment its self-identity as a function), and the fixed metric 5-7-5-7-7 is set flowing. 

