【翻訳】 Coil Manifesto (1983)

The Price Of Existence Is Eternal Warfare

COIL is a hidden universal. A code. A key for which the WHOLE does not exist. Is NONEXISTENT, in silence and secrecy. A spell. A spiral. A serpents SHt round a female cycle. A whirlwind. A double helix. DNA. Electricity and elementals. Atonal noise, and brutal poetry.


COIL is amorphous. Luminous and constant change. Inbuilt obSOLescence. Inbuilt Disobedience. A vehicle for obsessions. Dreamcycles in perpetual motion. We are cutthroats. Infantile. Immaculately Conceived. Dis-eased. The Virus is Khaos. The cure is Delirium.


COIL are Archangels of KHAOS. The price we pay for existence is eternal Warfare. There is a hidden coil of strength, dormant beneath the sediment of convention. Dreams lead us under the surface, over the edge, to the Delerium state. UNCHAINED. Past impositions and false universals. Reassembling into OUR order.


COIL. Who has the nerve to dream, create and kill, while the whole moves every part stands still. Our rationale is the irrationAL. Hallucination is the truth our graves are dug with. COIL is compulsion. URGE and construction. Dead letters fall from our shedding skins. Kabbala and KHAOS. Thanatos and Thelema. Archangels and Antichrists. Open and Close. Truth and Deliberation. Traps and Disorientation.

Coil exist between Here and Here. We are Janus Headed. Plural. Out of time. Out of place. Out of Spite. An antidote for when people become poisons.


ここ と ここの間にCOILは存在する。我々はヤヌスの頭を載せている。複数形。時間の外。空間の外。悪意。ヒトが毒になる時代の解毒剤。

COIL know how to destroy Angels. How to paralyse. Imagine the world in a bottle. We take the bottle, smash it, and open your throat with it. I warn you we are Murderous. We massacre the logical revolts. We know everything! We know one thing only. Absolute existence, absolute motion, absolute direction, absolute Truth. NOW, HERE, US.

COILは天使を破壊する方法を知っている。完全に沈黙させる方法を。瓶の中にある世界を想像してください。瓶を奪い 砕き 喉を掻き切る。我々は明確な殺意をもってお前たちに警告する。論理的な反乱者は一人残らず殺す。我々はすべて知っているぞ!我々はたったひとつのことを知っている。絶対的な存在、絶対的な運動、絶対的な方向、絶対的な真理 今 ここで 我々が。

"Not Knowing What Is And Is Not
Knowing, I Knew Not"

Hassan i Sabbah


出典; Coil Manifesto, 1983

