

10. 英語論文を書くための方法ー執筆の実際

1 初めから英語で書く。(一番能率が良い)
2 非常に理屈っぽい(直訳調の)日本語で書いて英訳する。(初心者には確実)
3 英語で書いていって、書きにくいところを日本語で書く。(院生の多くがこの方法)
4 英語で書いて、要旨をパラグラフごとに日本語で書く。

INTRODUCTIONでは自分たちの過去の結果 他の研究室の結果、現代の問題点などを列挙し、問題点は現在形で記す。
✔ We have previously reported (evaluated, revealed) that ~.
✔ Recently we reported that ~.
✔ In earlier studies we presented evidence that ~.
✔ Our most recent data suggested possible involvement (usefulness) of ~.
✔ Previous experiments by our group have shown that~.
✔ Takayama et al. (2014) proposed that ~.
✔ This response was first observed by Russel et al. (2006)
✔ Early clinical (experimental) studies by Cheng et al. (2014) indicated that ~.
✔ A number of studies (several studies, early reports, ample studies) reported (demonstrated) that~.
✔ Clinical (experimental , animal ) studies demonstrated ( suggested) that ~.
✔ In animal models, ~.
✔ It has been proposed that ~.
✔ It is presumed that~
✔ Little is known about ~. ( even though several mechanisms have been suggested.)
✔ ~ has not been (completely) clarified.
✔ It is not clear if TLR signaling affects cellular survival.
✔ ~ is poorly understood.
✔ Published results of clinical trials are so far controversial.
✔ Little has been reported on ~.
✔ The molecular mechanisms are so far unknown.
✔ Not much is available on the pathological backgrounds of~.
✔ Few studies have focused on the changes ~
✔ ~ is still incompletely understood.
✔ It is necessary ( important) to directly determine the effect of ~
✔ Therefore we examined whether ~.
✔ The question we have asked here is ~.
✔ Then we asked if ~.
✔ The purpose of this study is …
✔ This paper examines …
✔ The main objective of this study is …


