
さよならのかわりに | Instead of saying goodbye

<COLUMN. vol.9>

(Japanes ver. and English ver.)
















(English ver.)

Meeting and parting are inextricably linked. Why do I think like that..? Maybe it’s because of the season, which the winter is leaving and spring is coming or.. maybe it’s because I went through tons of goodbyes and I’m about to do them again anytime soon.

This season is filled with meeting and parting.

Most of schools and companies begin a new (business) year in April in Japan. That’s why we have a lots of farewell parties or graduations in March, we could be called it a month of farewell.

Some people may feel sorrowful or lonely and others may feel delighted or advantageous.
Those ambivalent things, as like meeting and parting, joy and sadness, can be co-existed in the same time. They always could’t be diametrically opposite, they always could be ever close each other.

I totally agree with saying that life is an array of encounters and separates, which people normally say. I have experienced them so many times since I was born. Even so, every time I get to know people, I’m really excited about it. And every time I have to leave or people leave, it is really tough and heartbroken. Even though I went though it thousands of times so far, I don’t think I can get used to it from here on out.

Yet, I can tell that parting is always after meeting. No Parting, No meeting.

so, I always focus on meeting when I have to face with parting and then, I always keep mental notes on it, that there are encounters after farewells all the time. I’m not sure about that can be reunions or new ones but still I can have hopes.

If it was an one in life time meeting, I take the words, that treasure every encounter as it may not come again, to my heart because I think that the life I could meet ones is way more worth than the life I couldn’t.

As long as I believe there is always an encounter waiting for me, I won’t be sorrowful. Parting is not only include sadness, but also much happiness and numerous positive energy.

Hence, I have decided that I’ll say see you again instead of saying goodbye when I leave or I see ones off.
