
Equal week vol.2ふりかえり/A Look-back of Equal week vol.2

こんにちは!Equal のかほです🌞


長らくこちらに顔を出していない間に...私、Equal APUの代表になりましたー!(パチパチパチ!!)

今回は11月頭に行われたEqualによる超BIGイベント、【Equal week vol.2】のレビューをお伝えしようとおもいます😇

Equal weekとは...

Equal weekは、Equalが主催する超ビッグイベント!第一回目は2021年の3月。国際女性デーをお祝いする!をテーマに、様々なゲストを招いてトークセッションやコラボイベントを行いました!

そして今回は第二回!テーマはMental health×Gender。






その他にも、Equal APUオリジナルグッズの販売など盛り沢山でした!


今後もEqual APUは様々なイベントを実施していく予定です!ぜひ私たちのinstagramも合わせてチェックしてみてください🤗

#WeAreUnstoppable ⭐️

Web site→ https://equalityapu.wixsite.com/website?lang=ja
Instagram→ https://www.instagram.com/equal.apu/?hl=ja
Twitter→ https://twitter.com/equalapu
Facebook→ https://www.facebook.com/equal.apu
YouTube→ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3qclECdCsk
Official LINE:https://lin.ee/D9ZCxNF



Hi, I'm Kaho from Equal! 🌞

Long time no see!!!

It's been a long time since I've been here... I'm now a representative of Equal APU! (Clap! Clap! Clap!)
Aside from the fact that it's already been around 2 months since I became President... I look forward to working with you in a fresh and new Equal!💙

So, here is the main point for today.
This time I'll be reviewing Equal's SUPER BIG event: “Equal week vol.2” which took place at the beginning of November.

Equal week means...

Equal week is a super big event organised by Equal! The first edition was in March 2021. With the theme of “Celebrating International Women's Day!”
There were a variety of guests, talk sessions and collaborative events!

And this is the second edition! The theme was Mental health x Gender.
In addition to online talk sessions and a sticker design competition, Equal also held its first ever face-to-face gender café! (It was so fun~~ 🤤)

The events you may be interested in...

We have had a loooooooot of events... All of them were a great success thanks to all the participants and the hard work of the members.

This time, I'd like to highlight the first ever Equal face-to-face gender café 💛

The face-to-face gender café was held at Kurukuru Kitakouka in Beppu, which is run by an APU student.
The themes of the two sessions were "Let's learn about physiology" and "What is FemTech?”.
There were many APU students and people from outside the university who joined the event!

The session started with a short lecture on the topic and ended with a discussion, just like the online Gender Cafe!
I had a great time listening to the many stimulating and useful opinions. ♫
(I may have been the one who enjoyed it the most...)

There was also plenty more to do, including the sale of Equal APU ORIGINAL GOODS!

Also, Kurukuru Kitakouka, where we held our event, also has interesting events every week!
We're already regular guests over there! And if you've never been to the place before, you should check it out!

Equal APU has a lot more events coming up! Be sure to check out our instagram too!🤗

#WeAreUnstoppable ⭐️
▼This is Equal. If you like our content, please give us a follow🙏

Web site→ https://equalityapu.wixsite.com/website?lang=ja
Instagram→ https://www.instagram.com/equal.apu/?hl=ja
Twitter→ https://twitter.com/equalapu
Facebook→ https://www.facebook.com/equal.apu
Note→ https://note.com/equal_apu
YouTube→ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3qclECdCsk
Official LINE:https://lin.ee/D9ZCxNF
