
Birthday toasts in English🎂

"Today's my father birthday so I decided to release it today! ILU, Dad!"
A birthday is fun for someone, and sad for someone, but still a holiday. The peculiarity of this event is that it is yours and no one else's. And of course, this day you want to hear as many warm words as possible: wishes for love and well-being, career growth and luck, and everything that is so strongly desired. If you had the honor to congratulate not in English and you are looking for a suitable toast, see the options below. I have something utterly interesting for you.

Forever young 🥂

If the jubilee or simply the culprit of the solemn holiday is no longer 18 and not even 25, then it is quite possible to wish him to remain young as long as possible, both externally and internally. Everyone wants to look good, and a non-obtrusive wish for "eternal youth" can be quite appropriate.

Although another year is past
She's no older than the last!

Age is like fine wine..
It gets better with time!
Happy Birthday,

The best Birthday ever 🎂

A wish to celebrate your birthday well can be called quite general and classic, but no less pleasant. Wish your friend to spend this day in good company, which will give him a lot of joy and cheerful laughter and, of course, a lot of gifts. Here's how it can be done.

I have no words to express my wishes on this day, so I will just wish you a very happy birthday.
Wishing you the Best Birthday Ever! Have fun! Cheers!
Best wishes and a wonderful Birthday!

Birthdays are a time to say,
We hope you have the greatest day,
Laugh, smile and celebrate with friends
May the magical days show no ends!
Happy Birthday!

Dreams come true 🥳

We all have blue dreams and secret desires, we all want something and strive for something. And therefore it will be very appropriate to wish for the fulfillment of the most cherished wishes.

I hope all your birthday dreams and wishes come true.

Here’s a wish for happiness and many dreams come true
Not only on your Special Day but always – all life through.

New year of yours ☀️

It can be pleasant for the birthday person to wish bright and joyful days in his new year, because he has become a year wiser and more experienced, and therefore tomorrow will be better than yesterday.

Happy Birthday and many happy days in a new year of yours!

A birthday bouquet of words I send to you –
May the days ahead be bright and colorful…
full of joy, happiness and friendship.
May you continue to be
such an uplifting and positive force in so many people’s lives
And may your year ahead
Be blessed and happy – Always.

There are many things you can wish for on your birthday, and we all want different things, some want love, some want fame and recognition, some want to earn money, others want to travel the world - to each their own. The most important thing is to pay attention to the noun and show your relationship to it with your greetings.

no older than – より古い
get better – よくなる
express – 特急
wishes – 願い事
best wishes – 幸運をお祈りしています
greatest day – 最高の日
celebrate – 祝う
dreams – 夢
come true – 実現する

ClubOzi 🤓
