
富山県高校入試 英語令和3年度大問2-2 長文

皆さん、こんにちは。高岡の英語教室Iron English です。オンラインレッスンはこちら:https://ironwill-japan.com/online-english-eiken-juken/

今回は、高専入試令和5年追試 英語 大問5長文の解説している動画になります。





The ptarmigans are special natural monuments of Japan, and live only in cold places like high mountains. You can't find them in their natural habitat so often, but you can see them on Tateyama if you have good luck.  People often think the ptarmigans live only on high mountains. 

However, some of them spend winter by the sea in countries like Russia. Did you know that they change color each season?  They become dark brown in summer and white in winter. When the birds change color like that, it is hard for other animals to find them.

The ptarmigan was first called "rai no tor" in the Heian period, but it was changed to raicho in the Edo period. When it is written in kanji, it means "thunder bird." People in the Edo period believed that these birds protected them from fire and thunder, so the number of birds didn't decrease for a long time. However, some people started catching them for food. Because of this, the number of birds on the mountains decreased. So, people were told to stop catching them. After the order, the birds became special natural monuments of Japan.

The number of ptarmigans decreased for other reasons too.  One reason is changes in temperature. When it got hot, it was easy for strong animals that ate ptarmigans, like foxes, to live on high mountains.

Another reason is the people who visited the mountain. They brought plastic bags and bottles that had *bacteria to the mountain. Many ptarmigans got sick and died because of the bacteria, so people started working to protect the ptarmigans.  They built fences for the birds and cleaned the mountains, but it wasn't easy to increase the number of birds. Please look at the chart I made with numbers from the Internet.

There were more ptarmigans on Tateyama in 1991 than in 1981. However, it became more difficult to find the birds in 2001. After that, the number of birds increased because people worked harder to protect them.

I think we can also do something to protect the ptarmigans.  For example, we can do volunteer work to keep their natural habitat clean. I heard that a lot of money is necessary to protect the ptarmigans, so we can also collect money to help the birds.

Through writing this report. I became more interested in the birds and I learned that a lot of effort is needed to protect them.  I would like to go to Tateyama this summer to see their natural habitat and learn more about them.




Iron Will English
