


TIOT Spill the Details on Their Pre-Debut EP, Frame the Blueprint: Prelude to Possibilities
amanda mcarthur oct 5, 2023

Rookie K-pop group TIOT may be preparing to make their official debut in 2024, but lucky for all of us, we don't have to wait that long to see what they're all about. That's because in August, the quartet dropped a striking EP ahead of their debut called Frame the Blueprint: Prelude to Possibilities, teasing the group's massive potential as the next big thing. 
新人kpopグループのTIOTはたぶん、2024年の正式デビューに向けて準備しているが、幸運なことに私たちファンはそれがどんなものなのかを知るのに長く待たなくてもいい。デビューを前に、この4人組グループの計り知れないほどの可能性を示唆するEP "Frame the Blueprint: Prelude to Possibilities" を8月に電撃発表したからにほかならない。

TIOT's four members actually participated in the hit reality competition series Boys Planet before the group was assembled, and their first five tracks demonstrate the group's edge as well as playfulness as they sing about their first adventures together and the possibilities of a limitless future. We were smitten at first listen, and got the chance ahead of their big debut to learn all about them and what's to come.
実はTIOTの4人のメンバーは、グループ結成前に、注目を浴びたリアリティーサバイバル番組Boys Planetに参加していた。そして彼らの第一歩となる最初の5曲は、彼らがともにする最初の冒険と無限の可能性を秘めた彼らの未来について歌い、グループの迫力だけではなく遊び心も見せている。それらを初めて聴いただけでその魅力に吸い込まれて、さらにTIOTのビッグなデビューに先駆けて、メンバーの全てについて知るチャンスを得た。

Sweety High: What does the name TIOT mean to the group?

MIN SEOUNG: The name "This time is our turn" holds a pivotal significance for our group. It unites four individuals with distinct qualities and enables us to harmonize seamlessly. We interpret it as a reminder that every time we step onto the stage, it's our moment to shine, and it really motivates us to give our best and deliver top-notch performances. In essence, it's the driving force that keeps us moving forward.

SH: What do you think sets you apart from other groups?

JUNHYEON: There is a distinct set of moves and energy that set us apart from other groups, as each of the four members brings a unique color to the group. Instead of comparing or competing with other groups, we focus on competing with ourselves. This approach allows us to continuously evolve and reach new heights in our growth.

Can you tell us about your first EP, Frame the Blueprint: Prelude to Possibilities? What are the themes of the EP? Why did this feel like the right way to introduce the group?
記者:あなた方の最初のEPであるFrame the Blueprint: Prelude to Possibilitiesについて教えてください。そのEPのテーマはなんでしょうか。グループを紹介するための最適解だと感じているのはなぜですか。

KEON HEE: The title song, "Unbeatable," embodies our spirit of resilience, symbolizing our determination to rise and keep moving forward even when faced with setbacks. "Bungee," the first song composed by MIN SEOUNG and me, delves into the idea of what lies ahead, with lyrics like "throw us, bungee," "bungee more boldly" and "bungee without hesitation." These words express our ambition to charge forward fearlessly. Our debut album, Frame the Blueprint: Prelude to Possibilities, marks the beginning of the musical journey we intend to showcase in the future.
ゴニさん:タイトル曲である「百選無敗」は、僕たちの不屈の精神を体現化したものであり、例え僕たちが壁にぶつかったとしても上を目指して進み続けるという決心を象徴しています。「バンジー」は、ミンソン兄さんと僕が初めて一緒に作曲した曲であり、僕たちの前にあるものを探求したものです。歌詞の「挑め、bungee」や「力強くbungee」、「躊躇いなくbungee」などがそうですね。これらの言葉で、恐れることなく挑む僕たちの野心を表現しています。僕たちのデビューアルバム「Frame the Blueprint: Prelude to Possibilities」は、これから築いていく自分たちの音楽の、未来への軌跡の始まりを示すものとなっています。

SH: What does "Unbeatable" mean to the group?

JUNHYEON: The song "Unbeatable" is the identity of TIOT. It embodies our determination to persevere and advance even in the face of challenges and adversity, as well as our aspirations for the future. We view every hardship not as a reason to quit but as an integral part of the journey.

SH: Is there anything that new fans should know about TIOT?

WOO JIN: We would like our new fans to know that it is a "pre-debut" before the official debut, and we are like little sprouts in the process of growing up and getting bigger. We have a unique passion for our dreams, and the more you look at us, the more you will fall in love with us. We are ready to grow through sincere communication with our fans.

SH: What's next for the group?

MIN SEOUNG: Even after our pre-debut activities conclude, we'll be able to still greet you as a team. We will be performing in Japan and Germany, and we're determined to return to you without delay in an even more refined and advanced form than during our pre-debut phase.

