
#260 AIが俳句を解釈したらこうなった。 「初蝶を見し束の間のかなしさよ」松本たかし


"The fleeting sorrow upon seeing the first butterfly of spring,"
Matsumoto Takashi

Created with midjourney






「見し束の間のかなしさよ」という表現は、初蝶を見た瞬間の喜びとその後すぐに感じる儚さや哀しみを強調しています。束の間、つまり非常に短い時間に感じられるこの感情の変化は、美しいものへの感動とそれが持続しない現実への寂しさを同時に伝えています。この対比は、自然の美しさとその ephemeral(儚い)性質を深く理解していることを示しています。





Takashi Matsumoto's haiku, "The fleeting sorrow upon seeing the first butterfly of spring," delicately captures the momentary joy and ensuing melancholy experienced upon encountering the first butterfly of the season. This piece intertwines the symbolism of the butterfly as a harbinger of spring with the complex emotions of human experience.

Seasonal Imagery

The butterfly is widely recognized as a symbol of spring's arrival, embodying the beginning of a new season and the rejuvenation of life. In this haiku, the "first butterfly" serves as a seasonal motif, encapsulating the fresh start of spring and the transformations within the natural world.

Expressive Techniques

The phrase "the fleeting sorrow upon seeing" emphasizes the swift transition from joy to sadness upon witnessing the butterfly. This brief moment captures the profound realization of beauty's transient nature, conveying a mix of admiration for the beauty and sadness for its impermanence. The contrast depicted here deepens the understanding of nature's fleeting beauty and its ephemeral qualities.

Emotions and Sentiments

This haiku expresses a deep appreciation for the beauty of the first butterfly of spring, coupled with a sense of sadness as this beauty quickly passes. The complex emotions reflect the human experience of momentary beauty within the endless cycle of nature, evoking a profound empathy for the delicate balance of natural beauty and its fragility. The haiku invites readers to contemplate the unchanging cycles of nature and the delicate nature of personal emotions experienced within these cycles.

In essence, "The fleeting sorrow upon seeing the first butterfly of spring" captures the reverence for life's renewal and seasonal change through the observation of the first butterfly, portraying the intricate dance of emotions that accompanies the recognition of beauty and its transience. By poetically depicting the human heart's response to the transient beauty of nature, it illuminates the intimate relationship between humans and the natural world.




(英訳:ChatGPT 解説:Bing / ChatGPT 画像生成:midjourney)
