



また、税務調査では「Audit trail(監査記録)」や「Compliance check(コンプライアンスチェック)」といった言葉を理解しておくと、対応がしやすくなります。
そして、税務訴訟においては「Burden of proof(立証責任)」や「Settlement agreement(和解契約)」などの法的用語が頻繁に登場します。




  1. Tax return - 確定申告
    I need to complete my tax return before the April 15th deadline.

  2. Filing - 申告
    Filing your taxes early can help you avoid last-minute stress.

  3. Deduction - 控除
    Make sure to list all eligible deductions to reduce your taxable income.

  4. Exemption - 免除
    You may qualify for a tax exemption if your income is below a certain threshold.

  5. Allowance - 手当
    The company provides a monthly allowance for transportation expenses.

  6. Tax liability - 納税義務
    Your tax liability is calculated based on your taxable income.

  7. Withholding - 源泉徴収
    The employer is responsible for withholding taxes from your paycheck.

  8. Refund - 返金
    I received a tax refund after filing my tax return.

  9. Overpayment - 過剰払い
    If you have made an overpayment, you can apply for a refund.

  10. Underpayment - 不足払い
    An underpayment of taxes can result in penalties and interest charges.

  11. Estimated tax - 概算税
    Freelancers often need to make estimated tax payments throughout the year.

  12. Quarterly payment - 四半期ごとの支払い
    Businesses must make quarterly payments to cover their estimated taxes.

  13. Tax bracket - 税率区分
    Your tax rate is determined by your income tax bracket.

  14. Progressive tax - 累進税
    A progressive tax system means higher earners pay a higher tax rate.

  15. Flat tax - 定率税
    A flat tax system applies the same tax rate to all income levels.

  16. Estate tax - 相続税
    Estate tax is levied on the transfer of property upon death.

  17. Gift tax - 贈与税
    Gift tax applies to the transfer of property by gift during the giver’s lifetime.

  18. Property tax - 固定資産税
    Property tax is based on the value of real estate property.

  19. Sales tax - 消費税
    Sales tax is added to the price of goods and services at the time of purchase.

  20. Excise tax - 物品税
    Excise tax is levied on specific goods, such as tobacco and alcohol.

  21. Value-added tax (VAT) - 付加価値税
    VAT is a consumption tax placed on a product whenever value is added.

  22. Double taxation - 二重課税
    Double taxation occurs when the same income is taxed in two different jurisdictions.

  23. Transfer pricing - 移転価格
    Transfer pricing refers to the pricing of goods and services between related entities.

  24. Tax base - 課税ベース
    The tax base is the total amount of assets or income that can be taxed.

  25. Gross income - 総収入
    Gross income is the total income before any deductions or taxes.

  26. Adjusted gross income - 調整後総収入
    Adjusted gross income is your gross income minus specific deductions.

  27. Net income - 純利益
    Net income is your total earnings after all expenses and taxes have been deducted.

  28. Taxable income - 課税所得
    Taxable income is the portion of your income that is subject to taxation.

  29. Filing status - 申告ステータス
    Your tax filing status affects your tax rate and eligibility for certain deductions.

  30. Itemized deduction - 項目別控除
    You can choose to take itemized deductions instead of the standard deduction if they result in a lower tax bill.

  31. Standard deduction - 標準控除
    The standard deduction is a fixed amount that reduces your taxable income.

  32. Credits - 税額控除
    Tax credits directly reduce the amount of tax you owe.

  33. Tax break - 税制優遇
    A tax break can provide significant savings by reducing your taxable income or tax liability.

  34. Allowable expenses - 認められる経費
    Allowable expenses are costs that can be deducted from your income to reduce your taxable income.


Boss: Hey, Tanaka, how’s the preparation for the tax return coming along this year?
Tanaka: Hi, Boss. I’m currently organizing all the filing documents. I’ve also reviewed the deductions and exemptions.
Boss: Good to hear. Make sure to check the allowances as well, especially since there are new policies this year.
Tanaka: Will do. I’ve also looked into last year’s refund and overpayment records.
Boss: Great. How about withholding and the estimated tax for this year?
Tanaka: I’ve already calculated the withholding and estimated tax amounts. I’m planning to finalize everything by the end of the week.
Boss: Excellent. Don’t forget to review the quarterly payments and ensure that all taxable income is accurately reported.
Tanaka: Absolutely. I’ll also double-check the tax brackets and any changes to the standard deduction.
Boss: Perfect. Let me know if you need any help or if there are any issues.
Tanaka: Thank you, Boss. I’ll keep you updated.



  1. Tax audit - 税務調査
    We are preparing for a tax audit next month to ensure all our financial records are in compliance with tax regulations.

  2. Tax Investigation - 税務調査(より深いレベル)
    The tax investigation revealed significant discrepancies in the reported income, necessitating further scrutiny.

  3. Audit trail - 監査記録
    Maintaining a clear audit trail is essential for transparency and accuracy in our financial reporting.

  4. Documentation - 文書化
    Proper documentation of all transactions will help us pass the tax audit without any issues.

  5. Adjustment - 調整
    After the initial review, several adjustments were made to correct the accounting errors.

  6. Audit risk - 監査リスク
    We have implemented additional controls to minimize the audit risk identified by our internal team.

  7. Field audit - 現地監査
    The field audit will take place at our main office, where auditors will review physical records and conduct interviews.

  8. Office audit - 事務所監査
    During the office audit, the tax authorities will evaluate our electronic records and request additional information if needed.


Boss: Hi, Tanaka. We received a notice for a tax audit. Are we prepared?
Tanaka: Hello, Boss. Yes, we’re aware of the audit. I’ve been organizing the documentation and the audit trail to ensure everything is in order.
Boss: That’s good. What about the tax investigation that was mentioned in the notice? It seems more serious.
Tanaka: Yes, it does. I’ve scheduled a meeting with our tax attorney to discuss the investigation. We’ll need to provide detailed records and explanations.
Boss: Have you identified any audit risks that we should be aware of?
Tanaka: I’ve reviewed our records and found a few areas that might need adjustments. I’m working on rectifying those discrepancies.
Boss: Excellent. How about the field audit? Do we have all the necessary documents ready?
Tanaka: We’re preparing for both the field audit and the office audit. All relevant financial statements and supporting documents are being compiled.
Boss: Good job. Make sure to document everything thoroughly. We want to ensure complete transparency.
Tanaka: Absolutely, Boss. I’ll keep you updated on our progress and any new developments.

上司: 田中さん、税務調査の通知が来ました。準備はできていますか?
田中: こんにちは、上司。はい、調査のことは把握しています。文書と監査記録を整理して、すべてが整っていることを確認しています。
上司: それは良いですね。通知に記載されていた税務調査についてはどうですか?それはより深刻なようです。
田中: はい、そうです。税務弁護士とのミーティングを予定しています。詳細な記録と説明を提供する必要があります。
上司: 監査リスクについては何か見つかりましたか?
田中: 記録を確認して、いくつか調整が必要な領域を見つけました。これらの不一致を修正しています。
上司: 素晴らしい。現地監査のための必要な書類はすべて揃っていますか?
田中: 現地監査と事務所監査の両方に向けて準備しています。関連する財務諸表とサポート文書をまとめています。
上司: よくやりました。すべてを詳細に文書化してください。完全な透明性を確保したいです。
田中: もちろんです、上司。進捗状況と新しい展開についてお知らせします。



  1. Tax litigation - 税務訴訟
    Our company is involved in tax litigation due to a dispute with the IRS over deductions.

  2. Appeal - 上訴
    We decided to file an appeal against the tax court’s decision.

  3. Hearing - 公聴会
    The hearing for our tax case is scheduled for next month.

  4. Judgment - 判決
    The judgment was in favor of the taxpayer, resulting in a significant refund.

  5. Settlement - 和解
    We reached a settlement with the tax authorities to avoid further litigation.

  6. Tax court - 税務裁判所
    The case was taken to tax court after initial negotiations failed.

  7. Tax attorney - 税務弁護士
    We hired a tax attorney to represent us during the litigation process.

  8. Burden of proof - 立証責任
    In tax litigation, the burden of proof often lies with the taxpayer.

  9. Discovery - 証拠開示
    During the discovery phase, both parties exchanged relevant documents.

  10. Subpoena - 召喚状
    The court issued a subpoena for additional financial records.

  11. Witness - 証人
    A key witness testified about the company’s financial practices.

  12. Expert witness - 専門家証人
    An expert witness was brought in to provide specialized knowledge on tax law.

  13. Cross-examination - 反対尋問
    The witness underwent a rigorous cross-examination by the opposing counsel.

  14. Testimony - 証言
    The testimony given by the accountant was crucial to our case.

  15. Evidence - 証拠
    We presented substantial evidence to support our claim during the trial.

  16. Due process - 適正手続
    The court ensured that due process was followed throughout the litigation.

  17. Settlement agreement - 和解契約
    We signed a settlement agreement to resolve the dispute out of court.

  18. Closing agreement - 終結契約
    A closing agreement was reached to finalize the terms of the tax dispute.


Boss: Hi, Tanaka. I heard we might be facing tax litigation. Can you give me an update?
Tanaka: Hello, Boss. Yes, we received notice that the case will proceed to tax litigation. Our tax attorney is already working on our defense.
Boss: Good. Have we filed the appeal yet?
Tanaka: Yes, the appeal was filed last week. We’re preparing for the hearing scheduled next month.
Boss: What about the burden of proof? Do we have enough evidence to support our case?
Tanaka: We’re compiling all necessary documents and evidence. Our attorney is confident we have a strong case.
Boss: Excellent. What should we expect during the cross-examination?
Tanaka: Our witnesses, including our expert witness, are well-prepared. They will testify and provide the necessary testimony to support our claims.
Boss: Have we reviewed the discovery process? Any surprises?
Tanaka: We’ve gone through the discovery thoroughly. So far, nothing unexpected has come up.
Boss: That’s reassuring. Make sure all documentation is complete and ready for the hearing.
Tanaka: Absolutely, Boss. I’ll ensure everything is organized and will keep you updated on any new developments.

上司: 田中さん、税務訴訟に直面するかもしれないと聞きました。状況を教えてもらえますか?
田中: こんにちは、上司。はい、訴訟が進行する通知を受け取りました。税務弁護士がすでに弁護を準備しています。
上司: それは良いですね。上訴はもう提出しましたか?
田中: はい、先週上訴を提出しました。来月予定されている公聴会の準備を進めています。
上司: 立証責任についてはどうですか?我々のケースを支持するための証拠は十分ですか?
田中: 必要な書類と証拠をすべてまとめています。弁護士は強いケースを持っていると自信を持っています。
上司: 素晴らしい。反対尋問では何が予想されますか?
田中: 証人、特に専門家証人はしっかりと準備しています。彼らは証言を行い、我々の主張を支持するための証言を提供します。
上司: 証拠開示プロセスは確認しましたか?何か驚くことはありましたか?
田中: 証拠開示を徹底的に確認しました。今のところ、予想外のことはありません。
上司: それは安心です。公聴会のためにすべての文書が完備されていることを確認してください。
田中: もちろんです、上司。すべてを整理し、新しい展開があればお知らせします。


1. Audit vs Audit Committee
• Audit: 監査そのものを指します。
   The company undergoes an annual audit to ensure financial compliance.
• Audit Committee: 企業内で監査を監督する委員会を指します。
   The audit committee met to review the findings of the external auditor.

2. Allowance vs Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
• Allowance: 手当や控除を意味します。
   The tax allowance for home office expenses is quite generous.
• Allowance for Doubtful Accounts: 貸倒引当金を意味し、企業会計に使われます。
   The company increased its allowance for doubtful accounts due to rising defaults.

3. Exemption vs Deduction
• Exemption: 特定の収入や状況に対して税金が免除されることを意味します。
   Children provide a significant tax exemption for many families.
• Deduction: 課税所得から差し引くことができる費用や支出を意味します。
   Mortgage interest payments can be claimed as a tax deduction.

4. Tax Return vs Tax Refund
• Tax Return: 納税者が政府に提出する書類で、収入や控除、税金の額を示すもの。
   You need to file your tax return by April 15th.
• Tax Refund: 納税者が過剰に支払った税金を返金されること。
   After filing, she received a tax refund of $500.

5. Income vs Adjusted Gross Income
• Income: 総収入を指します。
   His total income for the year was $50,000.
• Adjusted Gross Income: 総収入から特定の控除を差し引いた後の収入。
   After deductions, her adjusted gross income was $45,000.

6. Filing Status vs Filing Date
• Filing Status: 申告ステータスを指します(例: 独身、既婚など)。
   Your filing status can significantly affect your tax bracket.
• Filing Date: 申告書を提出する日。
   The filing date for tax returns is usually April 15th.

7. Tax Credit vs Tax Deduction
• Tax Credit: 納税額から直接差し引かれる金額。
   The solar panel installation qualifies for a tax credit.
• Tax Deduction: 課税所得から差し引かれる金額。
   Charitable donations are a common tax deduction.

8. Net Income vs Gross Income
• Net Income: 全ての費用や控除を差し引いた後の純利益。
   After all expenses, their net income was $10,000.
• Gross Income: 控除を差し引く前の総収入。
   His gross income before taxes and deductions is $60,000.

9. Tax Evasion vs Tax Avoidance
• Tax Evasion: 不正な手段で税金を逃れること。
   Tax evasion is illegal and can result in severe penalties.
• Tax Avoidance: 合法的な手段で税金を減らすこと。
   Tax avoidance strategies are used to minimize tax liability legally.

10. Standard Deduction vs Itemized Deduction
• Standard Deduction: 政府が定めた固定額の控除。
   Most taxpayers take the standard deduction.
• Itemized Deduction: 実際の支出に基づいて計算される控除。
   They opted for itemized deductions to maximize their tax savings.

11. Field Audit vs Office Audit
• Field Audit: 現地で行われる監査。
   The IRS conducted a field audit at the business location.
• Office Audit: 税務署や事務所で行われる監査。
   He was asked to attend an office audit for further review.

12. Tax Liability vs Tax Obligation
• Tax Liability: 支払うべき税金の総額。
   His total tax liability for the year was $3,000.
• Tax Obligation: 法的に税金を支払う義務。
   As a resident, she has a tax obligation to report all income.

13. Levy vs Lien
• Levy: 税金の徴収行為。
   The IRS issued a levy on his bank account.
• Lien: 未払いの税金に対する法的請求権。
   There was a lien placed on his property for unpaid taxes.

14. Withholding Tax vs Estimated Tax
• Withholding Tax: 給与から源泉徴収される税金。
   Employers must deduct withholding tax from employee wages.
• Estimated Tax: 四半期ごとに自己申告して支払う概算税。
   Self-employed individuals must pay estimated tax quarterly.

15. Tax Base vs Tax Rate
• Tax Base: 課税対象となる金額。
   The broader tax base helps lower the overall tax rate.
• Tax Rate: 課税される税率。
   The income tax rate for that bracket is 22%.

16. Cross-examination vs Direct Examination
• Cross-examination: 反対尋問を意味し、相手側の証人を尋問すること。
   The defense lawyer conducted a rigorous cross-examination.
• Direct Examination: 直接尋問を意味し、自分側の証人を尋問すること。
   The prosecution started with a direct examination of their key witness.

17. Subpoena vs Summons
• Subpoena: 証人や証拠を提出するための召喚状。
   He received a subpoena to produce documents in court.
• Summons: 裁判所に出頭するための召喚状。
   The court issued a summons for her to appear next month.

18. Taxpayer vs Tax Practitioner
• Taxpayer: 納税者。
   Every taxpayer must file a return annually.
• Tax Practitioner: 税務の専門家(例: 税理士)。
   A tax practitioner can help you navigate complex tax laws.

19. Deficiency vs Overpayment
• Deficiency: 不足払いを意味し、支払うべき税金が不足している状態。
   The IRS notified him of a tax deficiency of $1,200.
• Overpayment: 過剰払いを意味し、支払った税金が過剰である状態。
   She received a refund due to an overpayment of taxes.

20. Statute of Limitations vs Assessment Period
• Statute of Limitations: 時効を意味し、税務調査や訴訟が可能な期間。
   The statute of limitations for tax audits is generally three years.
• Assessment Period: 課税通知が発行されるまでの期間。
   The assessment period for property tax ends in March.



