
Q. 困難な決断をしたとき、何を考えましたか?/ What factors did you consider when you had to make difficult decision?



What factors did you consider when you had to make difficult decision?







Eispi-エイスピ-では、TOEIC TOEFL IELTS VERSANTなど、スピーキングテスト対策に特化した勉強材料を提供していきます。




  1. had to decide whether to quit my part-time job - 「アルバイトを辞めるかどうかを決めなければならなかった」

  2. didn't have enough time for my studies - 「勉強に十分な時間がなかった」

  3. my studies were more important - 「私の勉強が重要だった」

  4. had to choose between studying abroad or staying in my home country - 「留学と国内での滞在の間で選択しなければならなかった」

  5. consider the cost and the distance from my family - 「費用や家族からの距離を考慮する必要があった」

  6. wanted to challenge myself and have new experiences - 「自分自身に挑戦したいと思い、新しい経験をしたかった」

  7. had to choose between two job offers - 「2つの仕事のオファーの間で選択しなければならなかった」

  8. had to think about my career goals - 「自分のキャリア目標を考える必要があった」

  9. consulted with friends and family - 「友人や家族に相談した」

  10. even made a list of pros and cons - 「長所と短所のリストを作った」

  11. chose the company I admired - 「私が尊敬する会社を選んだ」

  12. work for a company with values that aligned with mine - 「自分と同じ価値観を持つ会社で働きたかった」

  13. had to decide whether to move to a new city for a job opportunity - 「仕事の機会のために新しい街に引っ越すかどうかを決めなければならなかった」

  14. consider the impact on my relationships and my personal life - 「人間関係や私生活に影響を与えることを考慮する必要があった」

  15. made a list of pros and cons - 「長所と短所のリストを作った」

  16. talked to people who had similar experiences - 「同じような経験をした人たちと話をした」

  17. even visited the new city - 「新しい街に訪れた」

  18. great opportunity for my career growth - 「キャリアの成長にとって素晴らしい機会」

  19. learned a lot about myself - 「自分自身について多くを学んだ」

  20. what I value most in life - 「人生で最も大切にしていること」


■回答例 Level 1 : 簡単な表現を使った短い回答

Well, actually, there was a time when I had to decide whether to quit my part-time job or not. It was really tough because I needed the money but I didn't have enough time for my studies. I thought about it for a long time and in the end, I decided to quit the job because my studies were more important.

▶︎日本語訳(直訳) Level 1


■回答例 Level 2 : シンプルな表現を使った回答

One difficult decision I had to make was when I had to choose between studying abroad or staying in my home country. It was a big decision because I had to consider the cost and the distance from my family. I thought about it for weeks, did research, and talked to people who had experience studying abroad. In the end, I decided to go because I wanted to challenge myself and have new experiences.

▶︎日本語訳(直訳) Level 2


■回答例 Level 3 : フォーマルな表現を使った回答

A difficult decision I had to make was when I had to choose between two job offers. One was for a company I really admired but the salary was lower, and the other was for a company I wasn't as excited about but the salary was higher. I had to think about my career goals, the company culture, and the opportunities for growth. I consulted with friends and family and even made a list of pros and cons. Ultimately, I chose the company I admired because I wanted to work for a company with values that aligned with mine.

▶︎日本語訳(直訳) Level 3


■回答例 Level 4 : 少し難しい表現を使った回答

One of the most difficult decisions I had to make was when I had to decide whether to move to a new city for a job opportunity or stay in my current city with my family and friends. It was a big decision because I had to consider the impact on my relationships and my personal life. I thought about it for weeks, made a list of pros and cons, talked to people who had similar experiences, and even visited the new city to get a sense of what it would be like to live there. In the end, I decided to take the job because it was a great opportunity for my career growth and I knew my family and friends would support me no matter what. It was a tough decision, but I learned a lot about myself and what I value most in life.

▶︎日本語訳(直訳) Level 4



  1. consider - 考慮する、熟考する

  2. admire - 尊敬する、敬愛する

  3. align - 一致させる、整列させる

  4. consult - 相談する、助言を求める

  5. growth - 成長、発展

  6. pros - 利点、長所

  7. cons - 欠点、短所

  8. prioritize - 優先順位をつける、重要度を決める

  9. opportunity cost - 代償費用、機会費用

  10. objective - 目的、目標

  11. consequence - 結果、帰結



EISPI-エイスピ-では、TOEIC TOEFL IELTS VERSANT リンガスキル などのスピーキングテスト対策に特化した



