
WISHING 05/24/22 現状は~年末ジャンボ1等に当たるよりも低い重症化率Current status report - lower rate of serious illness than winning the first prize of the year-end jumbo lottery





日本全体でも、新規重症者数は、2月25日1507件をピークにして、5月21日時点で16分の1の92件、新規死亡者数は、2月22日272件をピークにして5月21日時点で7.3分の1の37件まで減り続けています (1014)。

東京都における、感染して重症化する1日当たりの確率は、1/466万です。1日当たりの交通事故に遭う確率=1/8万5千の55分の1、年末ジャンボを5枚買って1等に当たる確率よりも低い (816)。

「出る杭は打つ」意地悪で共貧精神において金メダルの日本は、それを裏付けるように、移動平均致死率も0.1%まで下降し、世界最低値です (1015)。

一方、コロナウイルスはより巧妙に人々に再感染するようになったこともわかってきました。オミクロンは、その遺伝子コードに比較的少ない変更を加えるだけで、免疫防御を貫通する新しい形態を進化させています。米国ではBA.2またはBA2.12.1が、南アフリカではBA.4とBA.5による、一度オミクロンにかかった人たちへの再感染例が報告されています (1017)。




今後は、年に数回、皆でベストを尽くして、感染して免疫の幅を広げていくしかありません (1018)。

Those who have the time to keep track of the number of infected people are now quite rare. When we ask people around us about the current infection situation, they no longer seem to know much.

The number of new infections worldwide has settled at 1/100th of the February peak, and the world's media is facing a shortage of new stories. I decided to take a look at the numbers for the first time in a while.

Even if the exact number of infected people can no longer be tracked, changes in the number of seriously ill people and deaths are easily the most reliable data.

In Tokyo, the number of new cases of severe cases peaked at 87 on February 20, and has continued to decline unidirectionally since then, peaking at 3 cases (29th percentile) as of May 22, and the number of new deaths also peaked at 32 cases on March 1, and has continued to decline to 7 cases (4.5th percentile) as of May 22.

In Japan as a whole, the number of new cases of severe illness peaked at 1507 on February 25 and continued to drop to 92, one sixteenth as of May 21, while the number of new deaths peaked at 272 on February 22 and continued to drop to 37, 7.1/3 as of May 21 (1014).

The daily probability of becoming seriously ill from infection in Tokyo is 1/4,660,000, 1/55th of the daily probability of being in a traffic accident = 1/85,000, less than the probability of winning the first prize by buying five tickets of the year-end jumbo lottery (816).

In Japan, the gold medal in the spirit of meanness and co-poverty, the moving average fatality rate has also dropped to 0.1%, the lowest in the world (1015).

On the other hand, we now know that coronaviruses have become more adept at reinfecting people. Omicron has evolved new forms that penetrate immune defenses with relatively few changes to its genetic code. Cases of reinfection in people once exposed to omicrons by BA.2 or BA2.12.1 have been reported in the United States and by BA.4 and BA.5 in South Africa (1017).

Infection with omicrons causes a weaker immune response than when infected with earlier strains, which quickly fades. The newer versions of Omicron are sufficiently different from each other in terms of immune protection against infection that infection with one is not expected to provide much protection against the other.

Most people will be infected with this virus at least two or three times a year. It is likely that many people will be reinfected again and again throughout their lifetimes.

So far, the virus has not found a way to completely evade the immune system. It is also clear that most people who are reinfected with the new version of Omicron will not become seriously ill.

From now on, we will all have to do our best to get infected and broaden our immune system a few times a year (1018).






