
WISHING"Road To Recovery最終回"11/05/21長生きコウモリ人間日本人の秘密~免疫寛容Final article: Mystery of the Japanese who may be long-lived bat people - Immune tolerance











以上が、11月2日国際誌Frontiers in pediatricsに掲載された、私の論文の内容です。起草から掲載まで1年かかりました。世界中の医師や研究者の方々にぜひ読んでほしいと願っています(825)。




一方、子どもの場合は、COVIDを含むウイルス感染症に対する反応の仕方を決めることになる免疫寛容力の影響度が大人よりもずっと強い可能性があります。小児 COVID-19 関連多系統炎症性症候群(MIS-C/PIMS)が、ヨーロッパや北米で多く、日本で数例しか認められていないのは、おそらく日本人の子供たちのほうが、免疫寛容力が相対的に高いためではないかと考えています。

それは、BCGという免疫調整ワクチンを接種しているおかげかもしれません【8/10/21】。一方、炎症の強さは、燃えやすさと火を消す強さ(免疫寛容力)とのバランスで決まります。アジア人とヨーロッパ人ではテストステロン値が異なります。それは、筋肉や脂肪の組成に影響します。スポーツ競技における人種差の要因です (826)(827)。子どもたちのテストステロンレベルの人種差は定かではありませんが、外来を訪れるヨーロッパやアメリカの子どもたちの鳴き声やパワーは、格段に高いエネルギーに満ちていて、短距離走における爆発力の人種差を想い出させてくれます。マッチョや肥満は炎症を起こしやすくし、COVIDでは重症化リスクです。アジア人とヨーロッパ人の免疫寛容力にせいぜい差がないとしても、ヨーロッパ人では日本人よりも炎症にブレーキをかけにくそうです。こういう免疫寛容力の相対的な弱さがMIS-Cを起こしやすくしているような気がしてなりません【06/29/20】。


(Road To Recovery はおしまいにし、パンデミックから一抜けます。ありがとうございました。さようなら)

Humans try to eliminate germs that are not theirs by burning them to prevent them from entering the body. A transplant of another person's heart or kidney will result in rejection if nothing is done. Broadly speaking, the immune system rejects foreign substances through inflammation and never rejects itself.

A fertilized egg is the result of the union of an egg and a sperm. A little more than half of it comes from the mother, and a little less than half from the father.
From the mother's point of view, the father is a foreign body. If the mother rejects the fertilized egg, she will not be able to give birth safely.

From the perspective of the fertilized egg, which is half father, the mother is also a foreign body. If the fertilized egg rejects the mother, there will be no pregnancy. The fertilized egg is equipped with a mechanism that prevents it from rejecting the person it needs.

As soon as the baby comes out into the world, he or she is suddenly exposed to countless germs that are everywhere, including in the air. In particular, babies are exposed to the many commensal bacteria that live on their mother's skin, mouth, and gastrointestinal tract, and take them into their own skin, mouth, and gastrointestinal tract. These commensal bacteria are the nurturers of the baby's immunity. The immune system grows by memorizing each of the indigenous bacteria. If the baby rejects each and every one of these bacteria, it will cause multiple inflammatory reactions without limit, and it will die before it can survive.

The main role of the immune system is to maintain peace and safety in the fort by rejecting and eliminating germs and foreign substances that are harmful to you through an inflammatory response. At the same time, the immune system must grow by interacting with indigenous bacteria in order to live a healthy life in the future. For this reason, it is necessary to avoid rejection of the indigenous bacteria that are useful to you.

This function of the immune system to suppress inflammatory reactions is called "immune tolerance". In immunity, there are not only fire starters, but also fire extinguishers.

The fetus has many cells that are responsible for immune tolerance. After birth, the number of immune tolerant cells gradually decreases. By the time puberty sets in, the number of immune tolerance cells is reduced to the same level as in adults. In fact, the more the number of immune tolerant cells decreases, the more likely it is that COVID will cause symptoms and the more severe the disease will become. The changes in each other coincide perfectly: children between the ages of 1 and 3 are often asymptomatic, while by the age of 12, the severity rate is much closer to that of adults. And the older they get, the more likely they are to experience cytokine storms due to the aging of immune tolerant cells.

Children are infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus just like adults and spread it in the same way. However, thanks to the immune tolerant cells working well, for children, it is just a cold [11/02/21].

In fact, it is not only COVIDs that children get off lighter than adults, but also SARS, MERS, Ebola, Zika, Hepatitis B, HIV, and influenza. In past pandemics, the fatality rate among children has been exceptionally low.

What this means is that no matter how many times a pandemic completely different from corona comes along in the future, it will still be an event for children on the same level as getting the flu every time. When a new pandemic arrives, if adults can reset their immune tolerance to the same level as 2-3 year olds, it will be just a cold.

This is the content of my paper, which was published in the international journal Frontiers in pediatrics on November 2. It took one year from drafting to publication. I hope that doctors and researchers around the world will read it (825).

From now on, vaccines will be produced as soon as the signs of a pandemic are caught by the continuous monitoring of the emergence of new viruses around the world. Nevertheless, containment through social isolation will be necessary for at least three to six months before the vaccine is deployed. In the early stages of a pandemic, effective drugs that directly attack the new virus are not immediately available. We can minimize the damage in the meantime if we are able to reliably use therapies that enhance immune tolerance. How dexamethasone and cyclosporine relate to immune tolerance is still not well understood. If we can develop an immune tolerance treatment that works on immune tolerance with more pinpoint accuracy and less side effects than those drugs, we will not be afraid of any pandemic that may come.

In a COVID pandemic, where adults account for the majority of infected people, the cumulative fatality rate (CFR) in Japan, Europe, North America, and India are all in the range of 0.7-3.4%, and it seems that Japan is not the only country with a low fatality rate. Since immune tolerance decreases with aging, racial differences in immune tolerance become less and less noticeable as people grow older. Perhaps this is why there are no racial differences in cumulative lethality.

In children, on the other hand, the influence of immune tolerance, which determines how they respond to viral infections, including COVID, may be much stronger than in adults. We believe that the reason why pediatric COVID-19-associated multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C/PIMS) is more common in Europe and North America and only a few cases have been observed in Japan is probably because Japanese children have relatively higher immune tolerance.

That may be thanks to the immune-modulating vaccine called BCG [8/10/21]. On the other hand, the intensity of inflammation is determined by the balance between flammability and the strength to put out the fire (immune tolerance). Testosterone levels are different between Asians and Europeans. It affects the composition of muscle and fat. It is a factor in racial differences in sports competition (826)(827). The racial differences in testosterone levels in children are not known, but the squeals and power of European and American children visiting outpatient clinics are filled with much higher energy, reminding us of the racial differences in explosive power in short-distance running. Macho and obesity increase inflammation, which is a severe risk in COVID. Even if there is at best no difference in immune tolerance between Asians and Europeans, it seems that it is harder to brake inflammation in Europeans than in Japanese. I can't help but feel that this relative weakness in immune tolerance makes MIS-C more likely to occur [06/29/20].

Bats, which spend most of their time sitting still, have a high level of immune tolerance, so they do not get sick even though they continue to be hosts of many viruses, and their bodies have become virus recombination factories [07/13/20]. In the event of a pandemic, the Japanese people adopted what could be called a voluntary lockdown, even though there was no penalty, and stayed put like bats in a cave. (There may still be some Japanese who have such atrophic behavioral disorders.) It can be said that the damage from the pandemic was small in Japan because of this habit. In addition, I believe that the Japanese people, who are insufficiently powerful, quiet, inward-looking, thin, and timid, have the highest innate immune tolerance to inflammation in the world, and may be the closest race to long-lived bats, which may be the reason for the low incidence of MIS-C.

("Road To Recovery" is over and I am out of the pandemic. Thank you very much and See you.)


