
WISHING 01/15/23 致死率は語る~貧乏自殺大国日本Fatality Rate Speaks for Itself: Japan, a Poor and Suicidal Nation


XBB.1.5の次はすでに存在している。その次も必ず出てくる。モグラたたきは終わらない。けじめある人間は、価値のないものにさっさと見切りをつける。ニューヨークタイムズは、コロナのニュースレターを終了した (1160)。



 日本、フランス、ドイツ、イタリア、米国、デンマーク、ベルギー、スペイン、ルクセンブルク、カナダ、スウェーデン (1161)

OECDのデータから、それらの国々を、純国民所得(Net national Income)*1 が低い順に並べると、







*1: 国民総所得から固定資本資産(住居、建物、機械、輸送機器、物理的インフラ)の損耗や陳腐化による減価償却費を差し引いたもの (1162)






国民の安全のために、国債発行余力が十分でなければならない時代であるにも関わらず、国民を豊かで幸せにするための大切な資金が、けじめをつけて見切りをつけることができない人達のせいで、飽き飽きされて人のいなくなったモグラたたきにだらだらと注がれ続ける (1163)。




最低の生産性を誇る日本は、マスク着用で象徴されるように、世界トップレベルの、きわめて息苦しくて、生きづらい国であることが示唆される (1162)(1164)(1165)。

Three years ago, corona became a major life and death issue, a major issue that occupied 100% of our lives and society. It has now become just a small part of society.

The next after XBB.1.5 already exists. The next one will surely follow. The whack-a-mole game never ends.
A disciplined person will quickly give up on something that has no value.
The New York Times ended its Corona newsletter (1160).

Fatalities are the number of deaths as a percentage of reported infections. There is not much difference between the level of medical care and the life-saving rate, and even if countries have the same fatality rate, the fatality rate can be lower in countries whose citizens are honest in reporting infections.

The high-income countries that are considered to have no difference in the level of medical care are, in order of decreasing fatality rate (CFR) after September 2022, as follows,

 Japan, France, Germany, Italy, United States, Denmark, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, Canada, and Sweden (1161)

The OECD data show that, in order of decreasing Net National Income*1 , as  follows,

 Japan, Spain, Italy, France, Canada, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, United States, Luxembourg

In order of decreasing order of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita

 Spain, Japan, Italy, South Korea, France, Canada, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, United States, Luxembourg

And the only OECD countries with lower GDP than Japan, other than Spain, are the emerging economies.

To compare productivity growth after the fall of 2022, in order of decreasing GDP 2022 Q3 quarter-over-quarter change, the following countries are listed.

 Japan (-0.2%), Belgium (+0.2%), France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, United States, Canada, Luxembourg

*1: Gross national income minus depreciation due to wear and tear and obsolescence of fixed capital assets (dwellings, buildings, machinery, transportation equipment, physical infrastructure) (1162)

Even if the correlation between mortality rates in all countries and these measures of productivity is not clear, the fact that all of Japan's measures are in a low position can be seen as having some significance.

One interpretation, though.

A picture emerges in which Corona still occupy a larger place in society and in people's minds in Japan than in other high-income countries in the world, where the whole country continues to devote itself to the task of infection reporting, which produces no value, and does not do the work that produces value.

Procedures that don't make a penny continue to be encouraged by people who don't earn their own money, who make their living by spending other people's money and who can't even feel guilty about spending other people's money all over the place for the reason of inhibiting the X-wave.

In a country where money has long been considered a lowly commodity and where poverty and selfless service are virtues, the entire population continues to take time off work to report infections and report absenteeism, as if there is no question, and to work tirelessly and silently to reduce productivity.

In an age when the government must have ample funds to issue bonds for the safety of the people, precious funds for making the people rich and happy continue to be slavishly spent on whack-a-mole operations that have grown tired and empty because of the people's inability to make a clear decision and give up on them (1163).

The expert doctors must have studied health care economics in college, but did they graduate without it? The world does not revolve around cold viruses. It revolves around money.

And in order of lowest suicide rate per 100,000 population.

 Spain, Denmark, Germany, Canada, Luxembourg, Sweden, USA, Japan, Belgium. 
Finally, Japan comes out on top.

Japan, the country with the lowest productivity, seems to be one of the most suffocating and difficult countries in the world to live in, as symbolized by the use of masks (1162)(1164)(1165).








