
ボキャブライダー 2024



(1254) After the rain stopped, I could see a rainbow in the distance.

(1254)【雨に関する単語】rain, umbrella, soaked, rainy season rain or shine [ reɪn ɔr ʃaɪn ] Don't rain on my parade! [ doʊn reɪn ɔn maɪ pəˈreɪd! ]

(1254) Don't forget your umbrella. It's supposed to rain again today.

(1254)【雨に関する単語】rain, umbrella, soaked, rainy season umbrella organization [ əmˈbrɛlə ɔrɡənəˈzeɪʃən ] umbrella term [ əmˈbrɛlə tɜrm ]

(1254) Why did you keep playing in the rain? You're soaked.

(1254)【雨に関する単語】rain, umbrella, soaked, rainy season

(1254) Is the rainy season ever going to end?

(1254)【雨に関する単語】rain, umbrella, soaked, rainy season the rainy season

(1255) You have to set a good example for your little brother.

for example の後ろには文を続ける

(1255) Vocab City is home to many famous department stores such as Max's and Hiyori's.

sweet such as donuts such as = like

(1255) The patients' symptoms included headaches and high blood pressure.

(1255) Honey, I hid the kids you-know-what in the closet.

you-know-who [ ju-noʊ-hu ] you-know-where [ ju-noʊ-wɛr ] hide - hid - hid [ haɪd ] - [ hɪd ] - [ hɪd ]

(1256) For our party, there's nothing more important than protecting the environment.

home environment

(1256) More and more companies are working to go green.

(1256) Industrial waste impatcts the environment in so many ways.

(1256) We need to start caring about the environment more before it's too late.

care about + ( someone / something)

(1243) Sorry, but I won't be able to attend the meeting tomorrow.

can してもよい / ...がありえる able ...できて / 有能なbe able 人が主語もOK ・You are an able Vocab Rider.  [ ju ɑr ən ˈeɪbəl Vocab ˈraɪdər. ]

(1243) Anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

possible 可能性がある(さだかではない) be possible 人は主語になれない