
IELTSおべんきょう記録:Wiring Task 1 (基本とSingle Line Graph)

IELTS Wiring Task 1のためのお勉強記録です。


参考にした図書は「Target Band 7: IELTS Academic Module - How to Maximize Your Score (4th Edition)」となります。(画像は載せていません)








1.Intro 1段落 1-2文

2.Overview 1段落 

3.Body 2-3段落(1段落につき1 graph または similar features)



Time stamp(重要)

図表についての報告を書くときには必ず「Time stamp」を押す
・過去のある時点のみで起こったこと →過去形
・過去の一定の期間起こっていたこと →過去進行形
・今起きていること →現在形または現在進行
・未来に起きること →未来系(地図の問題に多い (Ex. will be built, will move from )

Single line graph

The graph describes/shows/presents/reveals/….
 It can be clearly seen that…
- rises (increases, climbs, goes up)
- falls (decreases, declines, drops, goes down)
- doesn’t change (remains at the same level, maintains stability, plateaus)
- peak and lowest point
- The speed: fast (rapidly, quickly), slowly (gradually, steadily)
- Order to change: "a rise was preceded by a drop" and “followed by a decline".

"a rise was preceded by a drop" 一旦下がった後に上昇
 “followed by a decline" そのあとに続けて減少

- 数字だけ書くのではなく「比較」の表現を使う (下例文の太字)
- 例えば単にwent from 100 in 2000 to 250 in 2010などではなく significantly increased (rose, climbed, went up) to 250 や had risen to 250 などと表現

例)Unemployment figures amongst women
出典Target band 7 4th edition 問題図は本書を参考にしてください 

“The graph shows the percentages of unemployed women aged between 18 and 65.

It can be clearly seen that 18- and 45-year-old women are most likely to be unemployed, while the figures for other ages are relatively uniform.

According to the graph, among the ages from 18 to 35, the youngest women have the highest unemployment percentage (15%). Slightly older, 20 year-old women are more likely to be employed, with unemployment at about 10%.The percentages drop even lower (to 5%) for those aged 25 and 35. There is a slight increase for those aged 30, where the unemployment rate reaches 6%.

The sharp rise to 20% breaks the downward trend, with the peak value recorded amongst 45-year-old women. All the remaining ages have much lower figures, 8% at the of 55 and 9% at the age of 65; however, this is still considerately higher compared to 25 to 35 year-old females.


Time stamp


The graph shows(←お決まりフレーズ) the percentages of unemployed women aged between 18 and 65(言い換え).

It can be clearly seen that (←お決まりフレーズ) 18- and 45-year-old women are most likely to be unemployed, while the figures for other ages are relatively uniform.(「ピーク値」に着目、それ以外とも比較)

・Body 1(18-35歳):太字が比較表現
According to the graph, among the ages from 18 to 35, the youngest women have the highest unemployment percentage (15%). Slightly older, 20 year-old women are more likely to be employed, with unemployment at about 10%. The percentages drop even lower (to 5%) for those aged 25 and 35. There is a slight increase for those aged 30, where the unemployment rate reaches 6%.

・Body 2(35歳以降):太字が比較表現
The sharp rise to 20% breaks the downward trend, with the peak value recorded amongst 45-year-old women. All the remaining ages have much lower figures, 8% at the of 55 and 9% at the age of 65; however, this is still considerately higher compared to 25 to 35 year-old females.

・しっかり18, 20, 25, 30, 35, 45, 55, 65と横軸にある目盛り「全て」に対応して記載

日本語訳 (出典DeepL翻訳:https://www.deepl.com/translator?il=en)





【さらにrephrase した、わたしoriginal文章」

This graph displays the unemployment rate for women between the ages of 18 and 65.

It clearly indicates that women aged 18 and 45 are the most unemployed, whereas the numbers are relatively uniform for the other ages.

The graph illustrates that in the age group of 18 to 35, the youngest women have the highest unemployment rate (15%). At a slightly older age, 20 years old, women are more likely to be employed and have an unemployment rate of about 10%; at 25 and 35 years old, the rate drops further (to 5%); at 30 years old, the rate rises marginally (slightly) , and the unemployment rate reaches 6%.

The rate peaks with women at age 45, where it rises sharply to 20 percent, breaking the downward trend. (またはIn the case of women, it peaks at age 45 and rises sharply to 20%, and then breaks its downward trend in the older age groups.) In the remaining age groups, the rate drops significantly to 8% at age 55 and 9% at age 65, but is still much higher than for women aged 25 to 35.
