【閃ハサ】Aerial Environmental Botany(空中環境植物学)の中身が知りたくて……

※この記事は「機動戦士ガンダム 閃光のハサウェイ」のネタバレを含んでいます。



 2021年の6月はまだまだ大変なご時世ということもあり、最近の私はずっと家にこもってゲームやアニメという典型的なオタクの趣味に興じておりましたが、一週間ほど前にTwitterの相互の方から映画のお誘いを受けて「機動戦士ガンダム 閃光のハサウェイ」をその方と共に観ることとなりました。


 無理矢理な軌道修正を行いますが、この記事を読まれているあなたは「機動戦士ガンダム 閃光のハサウェイ」を恐らくもう観ていることでしょう。


 だからなんだ、と思ったかもしれませんが……何を隠そう私がこの記事を書いている理由は、ハサウェイが例のシーンで読んでいた架空の書籍、Aerial Environmental Botany(『空中環境植物学』)の本文を頑張って読み取って(DeepLにぶん投げて)翻訳したからなのです!





Aerial Environmental Botany(空中環境植物学) 表紙&本文(英語原文)


Aerial Environmental Botany
The Ecology & Environment of Earth

Amada Mansan

      The diversity of species produced by natural selection has turned Earth into a paradise, whether on land, at sea, or in the air. However, their useful traits achieved their diversity through all manner of divergences. Whatever mechanisms of the natural world selected them and made them prosper were the same mechanisms that bring about mass extinctions; these are two sides of the same coin.

        The divergence of traits caused by natural selection leads to diversification of structure, behavior, and physiology. As the number of organisms inhabiting a given area increases, it seems obvious that the most diversified species will be victorious in the struggle for existence. The basic units of life, individual cells, have undergone this kind of divergence many times to create the abundance we now see everywhere on Earth. But at the same time, in this process many intermediate species are produced whose improvements are incomplete. It is also a fact that, due to their intermediate traits, these intermediate species are eliminated and destroyed. In the shadow of the victor, there must be losers.

        What geologists began studying through fossils and other extinct organisms, as was later made clear by molecular biology via genome analysis, is an endless graveyard of species whose lineages were cut off in this fashion. The species that currently exist in this world are those that, during the branching process of evolution, somehow managed to survive in the terrestrial environment of their time. In other words, we should think of them as the miraculous products of chance.

        Through the mechanisms of nature and the environment, existing species are also selected and weeded out. Of these natural mechanisms, the environment is one of the survival conditions which determines whether or not an organism will continue on. However, we must remember the fact that an organism's environment also changes. There are surprisingly few who understand this. For example, phytoplankton release oxygen into the sea in massive quantities, and there is no doubt that this has increased Earth's oxygen concentration. Without the increasing oxygen concentration, the organisms that currently thrive on Earth would never have been able to achieve their diversity, variety, or numerical abundance.

        Organisms and their environment exist in an interdependent relationship of mutual interaction, as in the concept of "oneness of self and environment" that arose in Asia. Life is greatly affected by its environment, and life in turn forces that environment to change. Humanity became aware of this philosophical concept more than 3,000 years ago, but in the present day, there are probably only a few who truly accept it.

        It is certainly not a good thing that only a minority of people should grasp this idea of the interdependence of life and environment. In particular, consider the arrogant behavior of present-day humanity towards Earth, the unique cradle of life, and the environment in which life was born and cultivated. This is a wickedness beyond description, but how can it be corrected? Can we grasp the possibility that the future of humanity, one part of terrestrial life, might also be eliminated? Carelessly destroying Earth's environment according to the logic of economics and politics would amount to an act of suicide by humanity. The science of aerial environmental botany can also be effective in promulgating this argument.

        DNA analysis in the aerial environment was already an established analytical technique during the previous era. As well as monitoring common species, this also made it possible to accurately detect the presence of endangered species using genetic techniques, and use this information to conserve them. Because environmental DNA techniques could be used to monitor organisms without collecting specimens, it became possible to survey dangerous organisms, organisms that were difficult to capture, and endangered species, all without direct human involvement.

Aerial Environmental Botany(空中環境植物学) 表紙&本文(日本語訳)


空中環境植物学 [*1]

アマダ・マンサン [*2]





 生物とその環境は、アジアで生まれた「依正不二 [*3]」の概念のように、相互に依存し合う関係で存在している。生命は環境から大きな影響を受け、生命は環境を変化させていく。人類がこの哲学的概念に気づいたのは三千年以上も前のことであるが、現代ではそれを実際に受け入れている者は少ないだろう。



*1: BDのブックレットを見ると、公式ではAerial Environmental Botanyは「空中環境植物学」と訳されていることが分かります。
どういう学問なんでしょうか……? 文系なのでさっぱり分かりません。

*2: ブックレットには、この人は植物監視官の訓練を受けているハサウェイの教官であると記されていました。

*3: 「依正不二 (oneness of self and environment)」というのは仏教の考えであるようなのですが……日本語で検索すると特定の宗教に関連するウェブサイトが多くヒットします。
