
Yuzuru Hanyu Story で英語を学ぼう

His first encounter with skating was in 1999, in the spring of his fourth year.

I remember when I was little ・・・・・・ skating with my helmet on and hitting my head on the ice many times! I fell so many times and it hurt so much. My coach at the time was very strict and kicked me out of the rink every day. I am wondering why? Anyway, I was trying to do my best, but I don’t know why I couldn’t focus on the lesson.
I hated practice, but I loved skating where many people were watching. I also remember my first competition very well. The first program I asked my coach to make it. "Please make it with Ultraman! I loved it. Especially, I loved "Ultraman Gaia.
Don’t you know the scene that Ultraman was fighting Ultraman? Gaia is not all silver like the original Ultraman. My mother made a new costume Ultraman-like for me of red and blue cloth. There was something red on its chest. That’s my favorite.
However, I’ ve forgotten how was the choreography of "Ultraman" anymore.
From the next program, I’ve memorized a whole program. The second program was "Grass Race"!

Yuzu reminiscened.
He was born on December7, 1994 in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture.
His father is a junior high school teacher and his mother works in the menswear section of a local supermarket.
He has 4 years older sister. There are 4 people in his family. They all are very kind, friendly and mutually supportive family.
Since Yuzu was only 2, he went through tough days almost dying from asthma.
One day they had heard that
Hiroyasu Shimizu, a gold medalist in speed skating at the Nagano Olympic, also had the same disease, started to think about learning skating as well.
He began skating in the spring of 1998 when he was four years old, together with his sister. They used to walk to the Izumi Daiei Olympic Sports Club, a local skating rink at a nearby shopping mall. Minoru Sano, a famous former figure skater, was teaching skating for kids there.

This skating rink was the only one in the Tohoku region open 24 hours all year round. It was the home rink of Shizuka Arakawa, a gold medalist at the Torino Olympics in 2006, so it is also known as the “Arakawa Rink”.

「最初は姉が、スケートの短期教室に入ったんです。そのうち、スクールに入って習うことになったので、僕も一緒について行った。 それが、僕がスケートを始めたきっかけですね。
小さいころの思い出は・・・・・・ ヘルメットかぶって滑って、何回も氷に頭をぶつけたこと! 何回も何回も転んで、痛かったなあ。 当時の先生がすごく厳しくて、僕、毎日リンクから放り出されていったんですよ。 なんでかなあ? 自分なりに頑張っていたのに、先生の話をちゃんと聞いていなかったみたいです。小さいころの思い出は・・・・・・ ヘルメットかぶって滑って、何回も氷に頭をぶつけたこと! 何回も何回も転んで、痛かったなあ。 当時の先生がすごく厳しくて、僕、毎日リンクから放り出されてい
たんですよ。 なんでかなあ? 自分なりに頑張っていたのに、先生の話をちゃんと聞いていなかったみたいです。そ
のころは、練習は嫌いだったけれど、お客さんがいっぱい見てくれる試合は大好きでした。 プログラムのことも、すごくよく覚えています。 初めて作ったプログラムは、僕から先生にお願いしたもの。 『ウルトラマンで作ってください!』って笑。 大好きだったんですよ、 『ウルトラマンガイア』
ウルトラマンとウルトラマンが戦うシーンがあるのは、知ってますか? ガイアは見た目も昔のウルトラマンみたいに、銀色一色じゃない。 赤と青のウルトラマンっぽい衣装を母が作ってくれました。 胸にも赤いのがちゃんとついてる。 そんな衣装はよく覚えてるんですが、『ウ
ルトラマン』の振付けは、もう忘れちゃったな。でも次のプログラムからは、全部覚えていますよ。 2番目のプログラムは「草競馬』!

