
"Bilingual Post" 「ゲームと社会貢献の融合:ブロックチェーンの新たな地平」





"The Fusion of Gaming and Social Contribution: A New Horizon in Blockchain"

The development of blockchain-based games is gaining traction alongside the rise of cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and Web 3.0. For instance, in a game developed by Colopl, players can mine virtual gems in a digital mine, where these gems hold actual value as NFTs. This introduces players to a gameified version of the Bitcoin mining process, with a release expected soon.

Moreover, new initiatives are linking gaming to social contribution. For example, digital entertainment sets like "D Movies" and the development of social contribution content using electric power assets. These projects allow participants to contribute to society through gamified activities.

The domestic visual company Fanpla is exploring Initial Exchange Offerings (IEO) through the management of fan clubs for UVERworldand Sakanaction. This approach is gaining attention as a new form of fundraising on cryptocurrency exchanges, especially within communities that already have a large following.

These examples demonstrate how blockchain technology is opening new possibilities in game development and social contribution activities, symbolizing the progress of innovation in the digital age.

#ブロックチェーンゲーム , #社会貢献 , #デジタルイノベーション
#BlockchainGaming , #SocialContribution , #DigitalInnovation
