








#62-Describing Pictures




Family Barbecue

元:There are three men and two women. At the front of them there is a grandfather and he is cooking meat and he looks enjoy. He is wearing yellow shirt and blue and white apron. Behind him, grandmother and a mother is sitting near the father. The mother is wearing blue shirt and white pants.  I can see green behind them.

There are three men and two women. In front of them, there is a man who seems to be the grandfather and he is grilling meat. Looks like he is enjoying cooking. He is wearing a yellow shirt and blue and a white apron. Behind him, the grandmother and the mother are sitting near the father. The mother is wearing a blue shirt and a white pants. I can see the green trees behind them.

It looks like a picture of a family enjoying a barbecue.

●Her son is standing with his hands on his mother's chair.


Books & Coffee

元:There is a woman wearing a brown shirt and blue jeans. She is holding a cup of coffee. She is sitting on a wooden floor, there are three books surrounding her. The right side of her, there is a book. On her left, there are two books. The book on the right looks smaller. It looks like a dictionary. I think she is using the dictionary to read the book.

There is a woman wearing a brown shirt and a (pair of) blue jeans. She is holding a cup of coffee. She is sitting on a wooden floor, there are three books surrounding her. On her left(hand side), there is a book. On her right, there are two books. The book on the left looks smaller. It could be a dictionary. I think she is using the dictionary to read the book.

●She is sitting on the wooden floor, stretching her legs out comfortably.

On her right (side)→ 彼女の右側(彼女から見て右側)

Spa Day


●There is a woman who appears to be after a bath, she has a towel wrapped around her head. She has several red pimples on her face and she is touching one of them with her finger. She looks in the mirror after her bath, and I think she's worried about the pimples on her face.

●「鏡を見る」は"look at"じゃなくて"look in the mirror"

鏡の中に映った自分の姿を観察するイメージから。"at the mirror"は鏡そのものを指しているような場合に使われる







●I had no problems, just had my teeth cleaned.
There was no problem, I just had my teeth cleaned.

●I think he's cool, but it's not that I like good looking guys.


●devotion, obsessive, Qatar(カタール)


●He can eat what he wants when he wants.

●When food is sent to him, he can't eat it all up, and most of it ends up in the garbage.

●(The person) we could go anywhere without any problem, but for them, they can't do that.

●I think it's hard for them to have to wear sunglasses and hats to hide their faces everywhere they go.

●I'm curious to know what kind of life the people living in the tower apartments have.


●Not very familiar with American music.

●I don't even know the names of the members.


●When an earthquake strikes, the elevators in the apartments stop and we are forced to use the stairs.

●I've heard of cases of people being left behind in elevators.

●There are elderly people living on a more upper floor and I have seen them working hard to go up the stairs the day the earthquake hit.

(I have seen elderly residents living on higher floors making a strong effort to climb the stairs on the day of an earthquake.)






平日はほぼ毎日お弁当屋さんでお弁当買ってるといったら、フィリピンの「karinderia」と「turo-turo store」(これと、これと…と指差して注文するの意から)の話を聞いた…日本でいうお惣菜屋さんっぽかった



●There's a lot of disturbing scenarios.

disturbing : making you feel worried or upset(悩ましい)

●Joe in Season 4 seemed to be the most "good guy" ever.

●But the story doesn't end so easily, and many shocking things happen...


●My father was the one who installed the bookshelves there.

●It’s been years.


●It's alarming that there are some food that can cause cancer without us knowing, because of these additives.

without us knowingー知らないうちに

●Some people are concerned about additives, but there are also many people who eat what they want without being concerned at all.

As you've said, there are people who are very conscious with what they eat. So sometimes they even check the nutrition facts at the back of the food.

nutrition facts:栄養成分

●That would take a lot of time.

●And I think it would take them a long time to go grocery shopping, because they're checking each item.

●Sometimes we eat with our eyes.

●Characteristic or the image of the food becomes different, it feels like we don't want to eat this one.

Not that much, but I definitely want to eat something sweet or ice cream at least once every day.

●I may see the additives listed while eating them, but that doesn't stop me from eating them at all.

"it doesn't stop me from 〜ing"って言い回し、英会話始めた初期に調べた奴…!!!その時は「映画を見て涙が止まらなかった」と言いたかった

(レッスンでは"it doesn’t matter for eating them. て言った)

●I often buy lunch boxes, but I have no idea what additives are used in them.




●Sometimes the less you know, the happier you are.
("The more〜, the more〜"奴だ…!)

●There are times when ignorance brings happiness.

●Not knowing can sometimes lead to happiness.

●Sometimes you're happier if you don't know.
