












●What's your best price?

●Can you do any better than that?

How low are you willing to go?

●How much can you knock off?


●You've never tried even in a flea market? Flea markets are like a small store on the streets, with many different accessories or souvenirs etc.
(前回のレッスンでフリマは"flea market"と知ったけど、今回も!)

●I've heard that even at major electronics store, it's easy to negotiate a lower price when buying several appliances for a move.

○家電量販店(電気屋さん)→electronics store
○家電→ (home) appliance

●It's only bad
if you will get a price very very low. lt's not fair for the seller.


●Japan has different cultures in the east and west.
(Japanese culture is different from east and west.って言ったけど別にそれでも良さそう)

As far as I know India and Saudi Arabia are the ones that like to haggle.

●You're trying to balance as much as possible, which is a better equal trade.

●It is a street shop that they go barter is like craving.
Maybe they will accept that.

●You will try to scare them because maybe they think that you will go to other store instead with lower price.

No matter how much I want to do the job, I sometimes turn it down if the reward is not worth it.
→「断る」に"reject"を使ったけど"refuse"もしくは"turn down"のが良さそう…"reject"だと強い拒絶といういみでの「断る」になっちゃう

no matter→どんなに〜でも
not worth it→見合わない、割に合わない

●I didn't get paid enough for that job.

●Just this morning I sold a TV at a buy-back store.
→買取専門店(buying store)

impulsive→衝動的:showing behaviour in which you do things suddenly without any planning and without considering the effects they may have

compulsive→脅迫的な:doing something a lot and unable to stop doing it








intensely→extremely or strongly(副)激烈に、強烈に

●There is other this one. I'm sharing with you.
This is the longest word in English. This is a disease condition in the respiratory system.





●The word is similar in Japanese

●Japanese pronunciation uses only the tip of the mouth.

●I don't move my tongue as much as I do in English.


●Just yesterday I learned a word that is difficult to pronounce.
●That word is hard to pronounce out loud.
→「声に出して発音する」を"say aloud"と言ってしまったけど、ちょっとニュアンス違うし、"to pronounce out loud"か、そもそも"to pronounce"だけでよかった…

●The pronunciation of this word sounded unusual and interesting.

●Many Japanese speakers find it difficult to distinguish between the English L and R pronunciations.

●I think it's best to listen to the correct pronunciation repeatedly and practice it yourself repeatedly.

●You can't learn to pronounce a word just by hearing it once, so you have to practice it over and over again.

●We know exactly that language is a scale, so if you don't practice it, it will just fade out and gone.

indeed(副)really or certainly, often used to emphasize something:

●You do not imitate Singlish. Don't even think it will ruin your interests.

●He's a lot more fluent than he used to be.


●But you are on your way there.
Don't worry. I mean you will be good in no time as long as you and I practice as freak as possible.

you are on your way there.→あなたはそこに向かっている(目標までの道半ば)
as long as: if

●When I started studying English, I thought I had to speak perfect English, but now I realize that if I can speak English that is understood, that is all that matters.

That is all that matters.→それが一番重要なことなんだ

●I used to be afraid of mispronouncing things, but I also learned that I don't have to worry that much.

that much : それほど多く


親しい間柄では省略して話すこともできるのか〜くらいにしか知らなかった…"Could be" は私も使えそうだから覚えておきたい…

Could be as bad or the best, so that's why we learn from many other sources.


○I write English words on a piece of paper and put it on the wall.

●I have a piece of paper with English words on the wall.
●I have some papers on the wall with English words on them.
●On the wall is a piece of paper with English words written on it.



初めて「New Tutor」のマークがついてる方のレッスンを受けた






●Movie revealed who was behind the mystery but not everything has been discovered.

●The 90s clothes are popular in Japan, but the popular fashion is changing every year.



As if!(ありえない、まさか)≒  No way.
例)My mom wants me to babysit on Friday — as if! We're going to that party!


例)He speaks English as if he were a native speaker.

Whatever!(どうでもいい!)ー slang for "I don't care"
→"This was also a great way to tell someone you didn't agree, but you didn't want to argue with them."

A: The sky is blue
B: No, it's grey
A: It's blue? Are you blind?
B: Whatever!
