

<Race report>

Hi friends, on 31st July 2022, I took part in a triathlon race around Lake Haruna in Gunma Pref.. The race category was the short distance. The result was below, I won the 2nd place!!

2:19:38 (2nd/ 190 finishers)

Swim 0:26:00 (22) Bike 1:12:11 (3) Run 0:41:27 (1)

Lake Haruna locates at around 1000m altitude, so it was much cooler and more comfortable on the race day. In addition, the transparency of the lake water was great. Its swim course was changed to triangle in this year from straight round trip course in previous years. Anyway, thanks to the great transparency, I swam the course almost without any loss.

The bike course was 5 laps, each lap had a very punchy hill. I've participated in the same race two times, so I knew the course profiles well and controlled my pace nicely.

In the run part, I had got Achilles tendonitis and was getting recovered. Still, not 100%, but I kept a not-but pace. Then I was surprised my run result was 1st! Lucky,,,

I've never got such a nice position in this race, 4th place was the best. Maybe it was lucky, but anyway I'm pretty happy about the result.

I don't have the next triathlon race this year so far. Besides, these days, it is crazy hot days so I might deserve to take some rest or easy days a little bit. After that, I restart training for full marathon and duathlon races:)





