

住みたいマンションの大体の価格帯をあらかじめ調べておいて、予算に引っかかりそうなものはすぐに連絡を!私は在校生から引き継げる物件リストに新しいものが追加された瞬間通知を飛ばすようにしていました。(Google App Scriptで自動でメールを送るようにプログラムを組んでも良いと思います。)



  1. What are some of the routined maintenance done by the building staff? How about the maintenance of the unit itself? Who do we contact if something goes wrong in the apartment?

  2. What are some of the rules of XXX that we need to be aware of? (Noise, common space usage, etc.)

  3. What are the visitor's rules for XXX? How long can one’s visitor stay without informing the building staff and landlord? Or does everyone have to register regardless of length of stay?

  4. What’s the deposit and what’s the stipulation to get it back at the end of the lease?

  5. Confirming that the apartment will be professionally cleaned before we move in?

  6. What is the usage policy for facilities during COVID? (just in case)

  7. What’s the penalty for breaking the lease and do you allow subletting?

  8. Date & account for rent payment



Good luck with your 物件探し!


We're really sorry to tell you this, but we've luckily got a lease from our close graduates. So we don't have to find a lease anymore, and we'd like to cancel the online visiting tour so that we won't take your time for no reason. Thank you for all of your time and consideration, we're lucky to have you as a guide to (地名)!

We're really sorry to tell you this, but our seniors have kindly passed on their lease to us and we've just managed to secure it. As such, we will end our search here, and we'd like to cancel the online visiting tour so that we don't take up any more of your time.
Thank you so much again for all of your time and effort in helping us find a suitable lease. We were so lucky to have your help and support and we'll be sure to pass on your contacts to our other classmates who are still searching for accommodation.

