
My sister 私の妹

8 years ago, my sister, who is 2 years younger than me and I were at a pub because I coincidentally saw her in a hospital where our father was hospitalized. He had heart disease at that time and was due to undergo a difficult operation. All of my family were so nervous and worried about his health that we often went to see him there.

8年前、2歳年下の妹と居酒屋にいました。なぜなら父が入院していた病院でたまたま会ったからです。父は当時心臓病を患っており、困難な手術を受ける予定でした。 私の家族はとても緊張し、彼の健康を心配していたので、私たちはよく彼に会いに行きました。

While my sister and I were drinking at the pub near the hospital, we talked a lot about our father and other things. Then my sister suddenly made a confession to me that she is actually LGBT with her crying. I was surprised and at the same time felt sorry for her because she might have been at a loss to tell me about it for a long time. I also noticed I had told my sister to find a boyfriend many times. My sister and I talked more after she confessed it and we enjoyed the time there as usual.

私と妹は病院近くのパブでお酒を飲みながら、父のことなどいろいろ話しました。 すると妹が泣きながら突然LGBTであることを私に告白しました。私は驚いたのと同時に、妹に申し訳ないと思いました。妹は、長い間私に話すことを悩んでいたのではないか思ったからです。さらに私は、妹に、彼氏を見つけるようにと、何度も言っていたことにも気づきました。 妹がLGBTであることを私に告白した後、妹と私はもっとたくさん話し、いつものように楽しい時間を過ごしました。

Luckily, my father is fine now. My sister is as well and recently introduced her partner to me. I like both of them.

Thank you for reading,

幸いなことに、私の父は今元気です。 私の妹も同様で、最近彼女のパートナーを紹介してくれました。 私は2人のことが好きです。
