
ボカロ曲 Bayer 04 Leverkusen 歌詞

Bayer 04 Leverkusenの歌詞

The guy who tries to control people using God
What is your purpose?
You just wanna satisfy your desire for control
You can't be a god
Understand that much
Fucking guy like you
So don't get involved with me

The guy who hits me with the Bible
What is your purpose?
What kind of patron saint do you wanna be?
You can't be a patron saint
Understand that much
Fucking guy like you
So don't get involved with me

I'll behave aggressively like Buyer 04 Leverkusen
I don't care if you're the strong one
It just scatters gracefully and brilliantly
Sometimes the loser is more beautiful

Who says everything in this world is your responsibility
What a fool you're doing
Do you wanna make Okinawa a battlefield again?
You guys don't have enough patience
Understand that much
Fucking guy like you
So don't get involved with me

Who argues that our country should have nuclear weapons
What are you saying stupid things?
Those who proclaim hate for anything
We laugh at guys who are childish
Understand that much
Fucking guy like you
So don't get involved with me

I'll behave aggressively like Buyer 04 Leverkusen
I don't care if you're the strong one
It just scatters gracefully and brilliantly
Sometimes the loser is more beautiful

Their tactics are strong
Their tactics are beautiful
The loser is strong
The loser is beautiful
Their tactics are strong
Their tactics are beautiful
The loser is strong
The loser is beautiful


I'll behave aggressively like Buyer 04 Leverkusen
It doesn't matter if you're strong one
It just scatters gracefully and brilliantly
Sometimes the loser is more beautiful

I'll behave aggressively like Buyer 04 Leverkusen
It doesn't matter if you're a White Giant
It just scatters gracefully and brilliantly
Sometimes the loser is more beautiful


この歌詞は、強制的に宗教や信念を他人に押し付ける人々や、無分別な行動をとる権力者への反発を表現しています。曲名にある「Bayer 04 Leverkusen」は、ドイツのサッカーチームの名前で、歌詞の中で「強く攻撃的に振る舞う」象徴として使われています。

1. **権力と宗教の批判**:

  - 「The guy who tries to control people using God」や「The guy who hits me with the Bible」というフレーズは、宗教を利用して他人をコントロールしようとする人々への批判です。宗教的な正当化を用いて他人を支配しようとする行為に対する反発が表現されています。

2. **個人の自由と反抗**:

  - 「So don't get involved with me」というリフレインは、自分の自由を守りたいという強い意思を示しています。他人に干渉されず、自分の意思を貫こうとする姿勢が感じられます。

3. **強者への挑戦と敗者の美しさ**:

  - 「I'll behave aggressively like Bayer 04 Leverkusen」や「Sometimes the loser is more beautiful」というフレーズは、強者に挑むことと、敗北にも美しさがあることを強調しています。ここでは、必ずしも勝者が全てではないという価値観が表れています。

4. **政治的な批判**:

  - 「Do you wanna make Okinawa a battlefield again?」や「Who argues that our country should have nuclear weapons」という部分は、具体的な政治的議論や戦争への批判が含まれています。平和への願いと、無分別な戦争や核兵器の使用に対する反対が強調されています。

5. **美しさの再定義**:

  - 「It just scatters gracefully and brilliantly」や「The loser is strong. The loser is beautiful」というラインは、従来の美の概念を再定義し、敗北や失敗にも美しさがあることを示唆しています。これは、人生における逆境や困難にも価値があるというポジティブなメッセージを含んでいます。


