
ボカロ曲 See U at your Metaverse 歌詞

See U at your Metaverse歌詞

It has been a long time since I posted on LINE to my friend.
I know I'll never get a reply.
Still, I wanted to share your pain.
I'm going through the same pain you are now.

You've already gone before me.
Now I hope we can work hard together in the Metaverse.
You don't have to run away to alcohol here.
I'll smash the cultist who hunted you down.

This place is a wonderland.
There is no one here to confuse you.
I'll make your avatar for you.
See U at your Metaverse

Still, I wanted to share your asset.
I'm going through the same asset you are now.

See U at your Metaverse
See U at your Metaverse
See U at your Metaverse
See U at your Metaverse

You've already gone before me.
Now I hope we can work hard together in the Metaverse.
You don't have to run away to alcohol here.
I'll smash the cultist who hunted you down.

This place is a wonderland.
There is no one here to confuse you.
I'll make your avatar for you.
See U at your Metaverse

The Big Bang has just happened.
We don't know what the future will bring.
Maybe you'll come back here, too.
See U at your Metaverse.


「It has been a long time since I posted on LINE to my friend. I know I'll never get a reply. Still, I wanted to share your pain. I'm going through the same pain you are now.」


「You've already gone before me. Now I hope we can work hard together in the Metaverse. You don't have to run away to alcohol here. I'll smash the cultist who hunted you down.」


「This place is a wonderland. There is no one here to confuse you. I'll make your avatar for you. See U at your Metaverse」


「Still, I wanted to share your asset. I'm going through the same asset you are now.」


「See U at your Metaverse」×4


「The Big Bang has just happened. We don't know what the future will bring. Maybe you'll come back here, too. See U at your Metaverse」


3. 総括

「See U at your Metaverse」の歌詞は、現代のデジタル社会や仮想空間における人間関係の複雑さと新たな可能性を描写しています。現実世界での痛みや孤独、喪失感をメタバースで癒し、再生しようとする姿勢が見られます。仮想空間は、逃避の場であると同時に新たなつながりや自己表現の場として描かれ、現実と仮想の狭間で揺れる人々の心情を巧みに表現しています。この歌詞を通じて、私たちはデジタル時代における新しい人間関係の形や心の在り方について深く考えさせられます。

