
Weekly question #10 Do you think AI tracking our data is a good thing?

This article will be about the weekly question from 英語手帳 2024.

Weekly question: Do you think AI tracking our data is a good thing?

I think it's scary if AI is tracking every personal data. So, I think it's not good that AI is tracking our data. We should think about how we use AI and websites. This may be connected to my ideas of how I want to post things on social media, including note.

I am also not sure how the data is collected or what data is collected by AI. I might ask AI itself when I feel like asking about it. There may be interesting answers to it. 

About how we should use AI, I use it as a reference for my questions of particular things. AI is useful for getting answers to what you want to know. However, there are risks from using it. I hear the facts from AI are not perfect either.

In conclusion, I think we need to think of how we use AI. There are benefits from it, but we should keep in mind that it's not perfect and it may be collecting our data without recognition. 



さて、2月も終わりが近づいてますね。3月の英語手帳のテーマは、「人生における選択」"Choices we make in life"です。また書くのが楽しみなテーマですね。どんな質問が、出てくるんだろう?自分からは、書く気になれないこともあったりするけど、こうして質問されると、書いてみようかと思えたりします。


Thank you so much for reading my note. 

