































Fairy tales about frogs

Once upon a time, there lived a princess. The princess was very beautiful and kind, but she had one flaw. It means that I hate frogs. When the princess saw the frog, she screamed and ran away.

One day, in the castle garden, the princess dropped her precious ring into a pond. While the princess was crying, she looked for the ring, but she couldn't find it anywhere. Then a frog came out of the pond and spoke to the princess.

"Princess, princess, please don't cry. I'll help you find the ring. But instead, please play with me."

When the princess saw the frog, she was horrified, but the ring was very important to her, so she reluctantly agreed.

"Okay, Frog. If you find the ring, I'll play with you."

The frog happily jumped into the pond. After a while, the frog returned to the princess with the ring in his mouth.

"Yes, princess. This is the ring you are looking for."

The princess received her ring and she was overjoyed.

"Thank you, Frog. Now I have my ring back. Now, goodbye."

So said the princess, and putting on her ring she began to run back to the castle. The frog panicked and called out to his princess.

"Princess, princess, wait. Keep your promise. Come play with me."

The princess heard the frog, but without looking back, she went into the castle. The frog was sad and he returned to the pond.

That night, the princess ate a delicious meal, they talked happily, and she fell asleep. Then she heard a frog sound coming from her window.

"Princess, princess, please open. I want to play with you."

The princess was startled by the frog's voice, so she opened the window. There was a frog that came from the pond.

"Frog, why are you here?"

"Princess, I made a promise to you. I found your ring. So you can play with me."

The princess was troubled by the frog's words, but she thought that her promise was a promise. Reluctantly, she let the frog into her room.

"Okay, frog. But don't make too much noise."

The frog thanked the princess and went into the room. The frog jumped onto the princess's bed and lay down next to her. The princess didn't like frogs, but she put up with it.

The next morning, when the princess woke up, there was not a frog lying next to her, but a very beautiful prince. The princess was surprised and she asked the prince.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

The prince woke up and answered the princess with a smile.

"I'm a frog. I was cursed by a witch and turned into a frog. But when you put me in bed, the curse was broken."

The princess was surprised by the prince's words, but she believed that the frog was really the prince. The prince proposed to the princess.

"Princess, I have fallen in love with you. Will you marry me?"

The princess was moved by the kindness and beauty of her prince. And she accepted the prince's marriage proposal.

"Yes, prince. I love you too. I will marry you."

The princess and the prince were happily married. She forgot that the princess hated frogs. The two lived happily ever after. Congratulations!


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