


オバマ元大統領夫妻が製作に携わった『終わらない週末(原題 Leave the World Behind)』が、アメリカの崩壊を描いている。ノスタルジックな演出で、ヒッチコック好きなら、ぜひお勧めしておきたい。




“Everyday, all day, my job... my whole job is to... understand people well enough so that I know how to lie to them, so I can sell them things they don't really want. 

And when you study people like that, when you really see the way they treat each other, well... You’re no dummy.

You see what they do, and they do it without even thinking about it. Fuck. I did it to you and your dad, and I don't even really know why. 

We fuck each other over all the time, without even realizing it. We fuck every living thing on this planet over and think it'll be fine because we use paper straws and order the freerange chicken.

And the sick thing is, I think deep down we know we're not fooling anyone. I think we know we're living a lie. 

An agreed upon mass delusion to help us ignore and keep ignoring how awful we really are.”
