I hear you









It was during my fourth-grade Japanese class when I first realized my stutter. My teacher called on me to read some sentences in a textbook but I could not read smoothly as my words caught in my mouth. Panic and humiliation made me even more nervous and sweat burst out of my body. I squeezed out words using my entire body and somehow managed to finish reading, however, most of my classmates told me that I was not good at reading or that I stuttered. This experience vividly remains in my childhood memory.

Years later, I came across photography and started photographing “other people.” Because I have difficulty communicating verbally, I found this action of taking portraits – calling out to other people, facing them, looking at them through the lens, being looked back at – can be a communication tool that works better than having a conversation.

As I face my models holding my camera, I start feeling as if there might only be them and myself existing in this world. Exchanging glances, feeling each other’s breath, reacting to their actions, and hearing the voices produced from their bodies.

Although this is only based on my personal experience, this feeling (moment) is similar to the feeling when you have a “comfortable” conversation. The desire to capture this feeling (moment) is probably the reason why I take portraits.

”Words” are not always necessary for humans to have communication. Being a good talker is also not necessary. I hope you will imagine and receive various voices that are produced from “your” body in the portraits.

Daisuke Yokoyama

Daisuke Yokoyama/横山大介

自身の吃音をきっかけに、他者との関係性やコミュニケーションのあり方を、ポートレート写真の手法を用いて考察している。2022年『I hear you』Kanzan gallery / 東京、2021年『bind』KG+SQUARE by Chushin / 京都、2016年『ひとりでできない』新宿ニコンサロン、大阪ニコンサロン 他

1982 Born in Hyogo, Japan
Based in Osaka
2005 B.A. in Cultural History, Doshisha University, Kyoto

He is a photographer who mainly works on portraits. As he struggles with his own stutter, most of his works question what it means to have relationships or communication with others.

Selected exhibitions
2022 “I hear you” Kanzan gallery ,Tokyo
2021 “Bind” KG+SQUARE by Chushin ,Kyoto
2016 “I can’t do without you” Nikon salon ,Tokyo, Osaka
