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Inside Irpin: The town destroyed in the battle for Kyiv - BBC News

One month into the Russian war on Ukraine, the BBC's Jeremy Bowen has returned to Irpin. The town, just outside the capital, has become key in the battle for Kyiv, with Ukrainian forces saying they're pushing back Russian troops. Please subscribe HERE

'Children' written in Russian near theatre bombed in Ukraine - BBC News

Mariupol in Ukraine has been "destroyed" and will take "years to rebuild”, the city's mayor has said. An official confirmed an estimated 300 people died in last week's attack on a theatre. Satellite images showed the Mariupol Drama Theatre before it was bombed, with the word "children" written in Russian on the pavement in front of and behind the building. Meanwhile, Ukraine has re-occupied some towns and defensive positions up to 35km east of Kyiv, the UK Ministry of Defence said. The US and the EU have announced a major gas deal, in an attempt to reduce Europe's reliance on Russian energy. Please subscribe HERE

Ukraine War: Inside Mariupol's bombed-out theatre

Footage has emerged from inside the theatre in Mariupol that was bombed while civilians sheltered inside. The voiceover on the video says that the theatre was hit 'in the middle' where people were gathering for water.

Destruction of Ukraine from above - BBC News

In the month since Russia's military invaded Ukraine, it has laid waste to cities across the country. This drone footage shows the extent of devastation in Kyiv, Mariupol and other locations. Please subscribe HERE

'It looked like hell': Mariupol escapees describe horror in Ukraine's besieged city

Ukrainians who managed to flee the besieged port city tell Euronews of the scenes of relentless bombing and unfathomable destruction they witnessed.

Shocking aerial footage shows Ukrainian city 'reduced to ashes'

The besieged Ukrainian city of Mariupol has been under nearly constant Russian bombardment from long-range missiles and artillery since early March. #CNN #News

Ukraine War: Civilians shelled fleeing northern Ukraine, as escape routes are sealed

Civilians leaving the city of Chernihiv are under constant heavy fire, as people struggle to escape through a constant barrage of artillery. A Sky News team experienced the shelling first hand, as they joined scores escaping the battered city after weeks living without heating, food, clean water or electricity. People were forced to walk through fields while explosives fell all around them.

'See-through houses': Mariupol drive-by shows extent of damage after month of conflict | Ukraine war


Subscribe to The Telegraph with our special offer: just £1 for 3 months. Start your free trial now: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/customer/... Mariupol City Council posted video on its Facebook account on Thursday showing destruction inside the city. The video shows a destroyed power transmission tower, ruined housing blocks and a fitness center with broken windows. Ukraine's port city of Mariupol, encircled by Russian troops, has seen the worst devastation of the war, enduring weeks of bombardment and, now, street-by-street fighting. Read our latest coverage here: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-new...

BREAKING: Russia launch missiles 'from black sea' targeting Ukraine

The Russian military have claimed it has launched missile strikes on a Ukrainian military infrastructure from the Black Sea.

The Orsk: What we know about Ukraine's claims about attack on Russian ship in Berdyansk

A Russian ship was destroyed in Berdyansk, and the Ukrainian military claim they attacked it.

性能の悪い不発弾dud bomb

Ukraine war: Putin’s invasion stalling because majority of 'dud' bombs are failing to explode

Subscribe to The Telegraph with our special offer: just £1 for 3 months. Start your free trial now:


kidnapped the Mayor :拉致される市長

Russian forces 'fire shots into the air and throw stun grenades' at Slavutych protesters

Subscribe to The Telegraph with our special offer: just £1 for 3 months. Start your free trial now: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/customer/... Russian forces have seized the town housing Chernobyl nuclear plant workers and kidnapped the mayor, according to Ukrainian officials. The military administration of Kyiv region said on Saturday morning: "Russian occupiers have invaded Slavutych and occupied the municipal hospital...According to the latest information, the town's mayor, Yuri Fomichev, has been captured."



