
{ NEW ARRIVAL }『 機械学習 ML 自動売買 EA 3.5 FXトレーディング 』- English and Japanese edition -


Machine Learning ML Automated Trading EA 3.5 FX Trading - in English & Japanese -
『 機械学習 ML 自動売買 EA 3.5 FXトレーディング 』- English and Japanese edition - 
→ https://amzn.to/49ALAOt

・Mechanism of ML(machine learning)-based EA

・Basic configuration of ML-based EA

・Comparison of using external software and independent EA

・ML-based EA development process

・How to use external software and handle data

・Problems with coding and calculation amount of independent EA

・Strategies and approaches for improvement

・Introduction of deep learning and evolution of ML-based EA

→ https://amzn.to/49ALAOt

to beacome Millionaire by Other people's money

