
Attack on Titan: Final Arc - Delving into the Occult Realms - Part 1

Today (November 4th) marks the final episode of "Attack on Titan" anime. The intricately woven narrative with complex plotlines has captivated fans worldwide. Many viewers, both domestically and internationally, sense influences from Norse mythology and World War themes in "Attack on Titan."

Eldia and the Founding Titan, Ymir

Left: Devil and Ymir, Right: Garden of Eden

Let's talk Eldia and Ymir, the OG Titan.
At the core of the Titans lies Ymir, a slave girl. Her act of "setting pigs free" mirrors Moses liberating slaves. The colossal tree with the hole where she fell symbolizes the World Tree (Axis Mundi). The "Devil's Hole (Buco del diavolo)" signifies ancient underground sanctuaries. Like Eve receiving wisdom from a snake in the Garden of Eden, Ymir gains formidable power in the Devil's Hole. However, by marrying a king, she becomes a submissive figure, manipulated and exploited for her abilities. As for Eldia, it's speculated to be a combination of Hebrew "El" (God) and Greek "Idea" (Concept).

Marley and Paradis Island

Eldia, expanding its influence with Titan power, fled to Paradis Island during the war with neighboring Marley and built a fortified city, isolating themselves. The shape of Paradis Island resembles Madagascar, and its concentric fortress is reminiscent of Atlantis. The term "Paradis" may originate from German "Paradies" (Paradise) or "Paladin" (medieval knight).

Eldians, left behind by the militaristic nation of Marley, faced persecution and were confined to designated living areas, drawing parallels with Nazi Germany and Jewish relations. The historical fact of Nazi Germany's Madagascar Plan (1940) for Jewish immigration is notable.

Intriguing Terms

"Attack on Titan" introduces unique terminology. In the first half, the key to the protagonist Eren's father's "basement" held significant meaning, containing information about manipulated history. The term "Coordinate" is the source of activating the full power of Titans, associated with the Founding Titan's position and the sacred ground of the giant tree and Ymir. "Rumbling" is akin to the Great Reset.

Special terms like "unknown locations underground" and "coordinates" also appear in the CIA headquarters' Kryptos, where I delve into deciphering. These concepts might be set for each ethnicity. Japan, too, has a history with manipulated facts, erased characters from the ancient alphabet, and coordinates to be found.  Approaching the final episode with this perspective could provide a different viewing experience... 😊

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