
Midnight. Of September 24th -- or 25th already -- the sixth day of my nine consequtive off from my internship at Corpy. Already more than 24 hours since I last worked on 簿記 as part of my 内定者研修; can't help myself wondering what I have been doing, another peaceful but unproductive day it has been I guess. That itself should not be a problem -- that's the definition of an off from work after all--but I'm supposed to complete a course on Boki by the end of this month, so can't waste any more time. I was productive 24 hours ago, I just have to do the same now. 

"Done my Boki stuff, gone my first off since I started interning after my graduation in June -- well-deserved one I guess. ", is what I had in mind on the 27th of September, and what I am writing on the 7th of October. Quite a slacker I have become, says the angel side of me, and c'est la vie, says the evil side of me. I think I can be fantastic friends with the latter. I'm already friends with hundreds more of internal self who would say the same though...

So it is the 7th of October already. What do I have to update about here...

I have been a little hesitant to venture outside recently due to Covid-19; that discourages me from playing futsal, my favorite passtime. In time of this pandemic, I realized I don't have many indoor passtimes -- unless you tell me I can do skiing and futsal inside.
Why matters this? Well sir, I'm glad you asked: it's because one of my life goals is to not become a workaholic.
I think it has been one of Japan's major problems -- the tendency among Japanese to becoming workaholic -- and it will likely grow in significance; if all you do is work, then what will you do after retirement, or once technologies allow human to work less? Also I simply believe in general that every human individual needs time in their life to be "creative", as in creating anew using their head, not just simply being able to draw or play instruments. Very convincing words from an intern who had been working for over 40 hours a week, you sirs might say. 

I also had a 内定式 at the company I'm going to work for from April 2021. Essentially it does business management; hopefully I can make some mark there, using what I learned at Corpy, maybe some AI-related techy stuff.
One reason I joined Corpy is that I resonated with its vision -- AI for expanding equality. I once had a chance to sit and ramble with our CEO; turned out we both shared a strong awareness on the matter of equality -- regarding gender, race, socio-economic status etc. -- which I really appreciated. It may not be via AI though, I'm hoping to do something for expanding equality after April 2021. 

Hoo-hoot; that's my family's three owls hooting. Yes, my family keep owls.  I've got no clue why, but they are adorable -- not sure if we adore each other though. Why? It's just that I've always wondered if love between humans and love between human and animals are the same; I could well start another series on this, I see...

Apologies, I got interupted. It always takes a little while to get my thoughts back on track once they steer off, a bad habit of mine. But it might be the right time to wrap this up anyway, I don't have much else to ramble about. I could have had more to write about, had it not been for working remotely -- like the mood at the office, what we had for lunch, what we chatted about during lunch etc. It might well be another excuse from the evil side of me though... 

Ah. I'm really not millenial-like -- a truly millenial-like individual would appreciate working remotely. This is the second time I said this over the course of this short series, and it won't be the last in my life. But I won't say I'm not Corpy-like -- it is a place for characters, and characters with a mission after all. 
