




Grandma E の英語日記

Saturday, July 13 My mother passed away at the age of 92. She was an incredible mother throughout her life. Despite being a single mother due to my father's early passing, she managed to raise us with love and strength. The responsibility o

    • Grandma E の英語日記

      Thursday, July 11 My boss and coworker tested positive for coronavirus. As a result, I am now covering their responsibilities. We are currently receiving instructions from our boss through Teams chat. Adapting to my boss's sudden directives

      • Grandma E の英語日記

        Monday, July 8 Today we are focused on grading. Teachers spend the day in front of their computers as we have no students here. It's not as enjoyable without the students since giving lessons is the most fun part for teachers.

        • Grandma E の英語日記

          Sunday, July 7 Today is Sunday, July 7th. It's very hot and humid. My husband and I visited my mom at the nursing home. She's unable to eat due to her age and has been receiving IV treatments for the past two weeks. When we arrived, she was

        Grandma E の英語日記

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Saturday, July 6 I had a great time watching the students' Biblio Battle. Each student presented a book they had read and talked about why they enjoyed it. It was quite interesting. Some girls talked about a book on Japanese history that d

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Thursday, July 4 I had an opportunity to discuss my concerns with my boss, and she not only listened attentively but also provided me with uplifting support. Her empathetic approach was truly angelic, and I am grateful for her understandin

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Wednesday, July 3 Why does bullying continue to plague our schools? Some argue that it stems from the long-standing authoritarian approach to education. Students are often bound by strict school regulations that curb their individuality. A

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Tuesday, July 2 As summer vacation approaches, students are filled with happiness and anticipation. July represents a time of endless possibilities as everyone plans their summer adventures. However, as August draws close, a sense of gloom

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Monday, July 1st Today is the first day of July and the beginning of the last half of the year 2024. Time flies. I don't know what I have done so far this year. I have been happy, but I know this happiness will come to an end as I have to r

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Sunday, June 30 Today marks the end of June and the halfway point of 2024. As I reflect on the past six months, I can't help but think about the opportunities ahead. It's time to shift gears and consider starting my own business. Although

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Saturday, June 29 We had an incredible opportunity to participate in a lecture by a renowned professor via Zoom. The lecture focused on effective methods for teaching English to senior high school students, with an emphasis on the psycholog

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Friday, June 28 I'm planning to visit Shizuoka prefecture this summer. According to historical records, Tokugawa Ieyasu, the influential first Shogun of the Edo period, spent much of his life in Shizuoka prefecture. Despite being held as a

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Thursday, June 27 Every day is a good day. I honestly feel that way today. I enjoyed plum jam made by my husband. It's so delicious! We can find happiness in every little thing in life.

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Wednesday, June 26 We remember the story of Sugawara no Michizane, the Shinto deity of scholarship. He lived without any friends and received no help when he was relegated to Dazaifu. This led to his despair and transformation into a vengef

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Tuesday, June 25 It's hot and humid today. I visited several jukus, or cram schools, as a door-to-door salesperson. This challenging experience is like intensive training for me.

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Grandma E の英語日記

          Monday, June 24 I made the mistake of eating too many rakkyo, or pickled Japanese leek bulbs. Consequently, I accidentally passed gas during the lesson! However, I managed to keep it a secret as I don't think anyone noticed.

          Grandma E の英語日記