
イギリスと日本のハーフの子(English and Japanese version)

The English version can be found below.


そこで、その子が様子見ながら、流暢な英語でAre you Japanese?と聞いてきたから、I amと答えると、私日本人とイギリス人のハーフ!って日本語で話し始めたもんだから、そこから緊張が一気にほぐれたのを覚えてる。








English ver.
I would like to write about my friend who is half of Japanese and British that I met in the UK. The first person that I've met in the UK was her except of staffs at train stations and university. After being suprised by picturesque view of London city outside the window in my small room for a while, I went out of my room to buy a tooth paste.

I was waiting the lift to come up in the corridor while the door to the floor where our each room is located suddenly opened and she came in.  
I remember that I was so nervous that I might talk in English for the first time with not Japanese but a girl who is probably the same age as me and from different countries. At that time, I did not really know how to greet in English, I mean I did not know what is the appropriate way and mannar so I was quite upset haha.

Judging from her face, I thought she wasn't Japanese and I said Hi~ to her. She also said Hi~ and then she said that "Are you Japanese?" I am, I replied. Then she started talking that I am half Japanese and half British in Japanese.  
I remember how the tension suddenly melted away from that point on.

Since our rooms were next to each other and we shared the kitchen, we often hanged out with each other.

She is ,above all, straightforward. It's hard to put into words but she said things directly. Even if it was something difficult to say or even if the atmosphere turn awkward. It wasn't about not understanding social cues. Ruther, she would express her thoughts without pretense in order to grasp the essence of issues and conversations.

Also, She would know her non-negotiable points and what is the most important and necessary to her.  And she takes actions in accordance with them.  Sometimes, remarks based on non-negotiable points might come across as off-putting to certain people, yet, she always refreshingly communicated what she believes was right and acted based on that.  

Seeing how I often tried to navigate the conversation by considering what others think, societal expectation and the atmosphere, I was repeatedly surprised or I should say, I felt compelled to learn from her.

And she is the person who is full of love. Perhaps, it is because of the influence of her British-born and raised mother, but she is incredibly family and friends-oriented. I remember she has always the sprit of helping out friends in need and actually took great care of her friends including me.

Looking back now, I truly miss those days when she would knock my door, saying, "Hey, I've got some leftovers, do you want to have some?"  

At present, it seems like she is doing really well and I find myself thinking about her in my mind, while also feeling motivated to work on my things.
