
Why do I Have So Much Chatter About Alcohol?1

Hey, everybody. Welcome back. We are talking today about a question that I get a lot, why do I have so much chatter in my brain about alcohol and about drinking? And I will tell you, I so relate to this question and this struggle because I used to be inundated with all the chatter.

chatter  おしゃべり、雑音、ぺちゃくちゃしゃべる、くだらないことをしゃべる、けたたましく鳴く、キャッキャッと鳴く、ガチガチ音を立てる


So we’re going to talk today about why this happens, what you can do about it, and I really want to help you understand what is and is not realistic when it comes to quieting some of this chatter in your mind.

Now, what do I mean by chatter? I mean all of the thinking that you do about drinking. All of the internal back and forth about whether or not to drink, or whether or not to have more. All of the questions the next day about why you drank, and why you can’t learn your lesson, and why you had more than you wanted to, and why you can’t keep your commitment.

I mean, when you feel like you are stuck in a relationship with alcohol that doesn’t feel good to you, when you are confused on why you watch yourself repeat unwanted behaviors, even when you have lots and lots of evidence for why it would be better for you to change, what you will find is that when you’re stuck, your brain will devote a lot of mental energy to thinking about alcohol and thinking about drinking.

stuck in   缶詰め状態、行き詰る
devote  ささげる、ゆだねる、向ける、一身をささげる、専心する、(…を)熱愛する、時間、労力を使う



So whether you are looking forward to the drink, or debating about how much you should have, or guilting yourself for giving in, or guilting yourself for saying no… and then of course, all of the drama the next day… this is what I’m talking about when it comes to chatter.

Truthfully, yes, you know hangovers suck for sure. But I really think all of this mental energy that we spend, all of the thinking, that is something that just really wears on you. It wore on me. I knew I just didn’t want to think this much about alcohol. I didn’t want to think this much about drinking. I didn’t want to spend so much mental energy on this topic.

wear wore worn 自動詞
すり切れる,摩滅する; 次第になくなる〈away,down,out,off〉.
The inscription had worn away. 碑文は摩滅していた.
My jacket has worn to shreds.

And that really, really wore at me as the years went by. I just found myself unable to change. The good news, of course, is that you can change. You can do a lot to change the amount of chatter that you have. But here’s the other fascinating thing, it’s really not connected to how much you drink.


So one of the first things I want to help you understand is why you’re inundated with so much chatter. The first reason lies in how the brain is structured. I’ve talked about this on the podcast before. Your brain is not one big lump. It’s an incredibly complex organ with many different parts and many different functions.
そこで、まず皆さんに理解していただきたいことの 1 つは、なぜ皆さんはこんなにも多くの雑談に悩まされているのかということです。最初の理由は、脳の構造にあります。このことについては、以前ポッドキャストでお話ししました。脳は 1 つの大きな塊ではありません。脳は、さまざまな部分とさまざまな機能を備えた、非常に複雑な器官です。
lump かたまり

But for our purposes, for what you need to know, if you want to change your drinking, what you need to know is that the brain has two main areas: the lower brain and the higher brain. The lower brain is the oldest and most primitive structure in the brain. It controls your body’s basic functions. Its primary goal is to keep you alive. And it accomplishes this using a very simple program — find and remember the easiest and most efficient ways to obtain pleasure in your environment and avoid pain.
しかし、私たちの目的、つまり飲酒習慣を変えたいなら、脳には 2 つの主要な領域、つまり下位脳と上位脳があることを知っておく必要があります。下位脳は脳の中で最も古く、最も原始的な構造です。身体の基本的な機能を制御します。その主な目的は、生命を維持することです。そして、非常に単純なプログラムを使用してこれを実現します。つまり、自分の環境から快楽を得て、苦痛を避ける最も簡単で効率的な方法を見つけて覚えるのです。

In other words, that lower brain, it’s always on the hunt for rewards. And alcohol is a reward for the brain. So some of the chatter that you have right now is simply your lower brain at work. Remember, it’s trying to remember where is it going to find those rewards. It’s trying to remind you when these moments come up.
hunt  狩り

So maybe you’re like, “Hey, the workday is over, it’s time for a drink. It’s the weekend, it’s time to drink. We’re going to turn on the game, it’s time to drink.” Everyone has different triggers, but you get the point. The lower brain is designed to find and remember rewards in your environment.

And once it starts to connect the dots, once it learns the situations in which you drink and it gets a reward, it will start reminding you to go get that reward. So that’s a piece of all the chatter that’s happening.




