
英単語学習:Dr. Wendy Suzuki

A neuroscientist transforms the way we think about our brain, our health, and our personal happiness in this clear, informative, and inspiring guide.




【他動】 〔~の状態・形・外観・性質・機能などを〕変える、転換[変換]する

It is a book that is a blend of personal memoir, science narrative, and immediately useful takeaways that bring the human brain into focus as never before, revealing the powerful connection between exercise, learning, memory, and cognitive abilities.


【名】 〔個人の〕回想[回顧]録、体験記



Nearing forty, Dr. Wendy Suzuki was at the pinnacle of her career. An award-winning university professor and world-renowned neuroscientist, she had tenure, her own successful research lab, prestigious awards, and international renown.


【名】 絶頂、頂点 頂上

That’s when to celebrate her birthday, she booked an adventure trip that forced her to wake up to a startling reality: despite her professional success, she was overweight, lonely, and tired and knew that her life had to change. Wendy started simply—by going to an exercise class.



Eventually, she noticed an improvement in her memory, her energy levels, and her ability to work quickly and move from task to task easily. Not only did Wendy begin to get fit, but she also became sharper, had more energy, and her memory improved. Being a neuroscientist, she wanted to know why.

Wendy discovered that there is a biological connection between exercise, mindfulness, and action. With exercise, your body feels more alive and your brain actually performs better. Yes—you can make yourself smarter. In this fascinating book, Suzuki makes neuroscience easy to understand, interweaving her personal story with groundbreaking research, and offering practical, short exercises—4 minute Brain Hacks—to engage your mind and improve your memory, your ability to learn new skills, and function more efficiently.







you know caffeine is a stimulant and
uh people respond to that kind of stimulant uh in different ways
overstimulation with caffeine is not good for your your ability to put words together

you know this is where I turn to  a main theme in in my book healthy brain happy life with this which is self-experimentation.
for you how what can you titrate your coffee to see. what level of coffee is best for whatever your podcast or you're giving a talk



The other thing that can work similarly to coffee that I've started uh and that I do every morning is um hot cold contrast showers because that cold that you shower on yourself after the heat um stimulates adrenaline
in you a natural adrenaline o
it wakes you up and okay.
It was painful the first kind of few times I tried it but then you get addicted to it.
and I have forgotten to do it and gotten back in the shower  just  does myself with cold water because I feel better when I do that for, you know first thing in the morning. So lots of different things that one can explore with.


okay on the other side of the coin then what are some of the central behaviors that people do that destroy their brain


well sedentary behavior is one of them um not getting enough sleep is critical we haven't talked about sleep
yet sleep is so important for normal functioning of the brain I like to scare
my students by saying that um you know in torture situations

if you deprive a person of sleep for too long they literally die they they they die you cannot function if you are deprived of sleep for too many hours in a row

it's that critical yet we don't we we happily you know watch too much Netflix at night and and and and get only five hours of sleep when we could have had eight so um
what's happening exactly why is it so important well


there's um there's so many different things I'm going to I'm going to say two


one is that we know that in regular healthy sleep, there is activity in the hippocampus that helps you strengthen the memories that you have formed in that previous day. it's called consolidation and it's so important




【名】 〔会社などの〕統合、合同 〔複数のものの〕統合[合同]体 強化、安定化、

if you shorten that if you don't get enough you are not consolidating your normal everyday memories
and second,
it is the time during sleep when all the metabolites. all that garbage that your brain is producing because all biological cells produce garbage.
2 つ目は、睡眠中に代謝産物がすべて排出される時間です。脳が作り出すゴミはすべて、すべての生物細胞がゴミを生成するからです。



it get kind of um cleaned up through the Cerebrospinal fluid. that is flowing through your brain. and if you do not get enough sleep, you build up garbage metabolites in your brain. it's like you have a gunky brain. and do you feel like, I feel like I have gunk in my brain when I don't sleep enough. that is exactly what is what is happening


Cerebrospinal fluid




when you think about um things that we consume you know like food and drink and alcohol and all.

I think the most evidence around the benefit of the Mediterranean diet which is basically all healthy uh um kind of organic not organic but nonprocessed is the word I was trying to think of things to eat that are very very colorful. There is so much evidence about how good that is generally for the brain. That is my go-to like what should I eat well.
Is it on the Mediterranean diet? If it is then go ahead. If it's too processed, only do it just a little bit. 




  • 果物や野菜を豊富に

  • 乳製品や肉よりも魚。

  • オリーブオイル、ナッツ、豆類、全粒粉など未精製の穀物

  • 食事と一緒に適量の赤ワイン
